View Full Version : HD1 is not oversaturated

Jacky Yew
April 9th, 2006, 02:24 PM
Clips play fine on TV with HD1, it's the problem with software MP4 decoding,
normally they look oversaturated with clipped highlight and black. If you are using VLC, you may turn on "extended GUI" to reduce contrast and saturation.
That would reveal more details. If you want to convert or edit, try to use MP4CAM2AVI with FFDSHOW. In "Picture Properties" of FFDSHOW's decoder configuration, adjust "Luminance gain" to 111 , "Luminance offset" to 12,
"Saturation" to 46. That would fit HD1's lumaninance range to RGB limit.
PS: Vegas 6's internal MP4 decoder is oversaturated too, color correction doesn't help. MP4CAM2AVI with FFDSHOW is the solution.

Graham Jones
April 10th, 2006, 10:59 AM
That's a great help - In VLC player I just lowered the contrast and saturation slightly and the effect is a better image.

Bo Lorentzen
April 10th, 2006, 01:30 PM
OK for the dummies among us (me included) could you explain how to do this.. I downloaded both MP4CAM2AVI and FFDSHOW... but I can not figure out HOW to use MP4CAM2AVI "with" FFDSHOW...? I did find the picture properties screen... but that is where I get stuck...

Thanks. (smile)


Jacky Yew
April 10th, 2006, 03:07 PM
Sorry for my poor English as I'm not a native English speaker. What I mean is using MP4CAM2AVI to convert MP4 to AVI (convert audio from AAC to PCM is recommanded). Then you will be able to take advantage of ffdshow's "Picture properties" funtion to adjust your video (config both VFW codec and video decoder as well). Try to playback your AVI with media player to check if those adjustments have any effects. If everything alright, you may import your clips to your favourite editing/effect packages for post processing.

Bo Lorentzen
April 10th, 2006, 03:48 PM
Hello Jacky,

Your english is great.. we are both "non native english speakers" as Im from Denmark but live in California.

OK so first I run MP4CAM2AVI - I have figured this out.

Second you say to run ffdshow...? after I installed FFDSHOW I got a folder with 4 config files/interfaces, but I do not understand how to apply this.. am I for some reason missing the actual application..?


Jacky Yew
April 10th, 2006, 03:59 PM
hi Bo,

Do you find ffdshow under your "Start Menu" > "Program"?
If you see "VFW codec configuration" and "Video decoder configuration" icon,
run them and should be able to see "Picture properties" inside.

Graham Jones
April 23rd, 2006, 02:25 AM
Jackie, does using FFDSHOW to fix the MP4 files mean processing? Is there image degradation?