View Full Version : building demolition footage..

Mike Moncrief
April 8th, 2006, 10:15 AM

Currently I have been looking throught the various stock footage libraries for some building demolition shots.. just thought i would throw it out there to see if anyone on DV Info might have shot a demolition?? or know of any sources..??

Mike m.

David Nelson
April 8th, 2006, 11:02 AM

Meryem Ersoz
April 8th, 2006, 11:10 AM
hi mike: i have footage of the a mall getting ripped down here in colorado. bulldozers and such, not sure if you are looking for that or for explosives. i have about 20 minutes of footage total. you can see a 1 sec. or so clip of it here, to get an idea of what it is:

Mike Moncrief
April 8th, 2006, 11:47 AM

Thanks for responding, ideally looking for an office/industrial building, camera fixed, from ground view..

Mike m.

Glenn Chan
April 8th, 2006, 03:28 PM
People who do demolitions will film their demolition from multiple angles (including from inside the building) for every demolition they do. So maybe that's another place where you can pay for such footage. They do this is so how good a job they've done, and for insurance purposes (to help prove that the demolition didn't hurt surrounding buildings). This is what I vaguely remember from a documentary on this subject.