View Full Version : Innexpensive, near grainless static adapter
Jim Lafferty April 1st, 2006, 09:23 PM I think Jonathan and Co. got it right with the original static G35 and I've been working with that standard in mind when attempting a commercial grade adapter. I think I'm there.
edit: Link removed a bit early. I need to be mindful of bandwidth. See clips below for relatively high quality samples.
This is a beta unit and will be improved upon in the coming three weeks, then will be ready for sale shortly thereafter for about $600. Initial release will have your choice of Nikon F or Canon FD mounts, an anodized aircraft aluminum housing, and ship with a carrying box and metal endcaps.
For those interested, I would like to set up a small batch of beta testers -- 15 units -- at a reduced price of $430 each. I need to sort out issues with some cams. Email me if you'd like to be on the list: info at
I will be posting two more vids tonight -- full frame dimension 3mbps QT files -- that will run longer and show the adapter shooting other subjects/conditions.
- jim
Jim Lafferty April 1st, 2006, 11:10 PM Clip 1 ( and Clip 2 ( QT 6.
Both shot at about 1/800 - 1/1000 shutter in f/8 - f/10 range; 50mm Nikon F lens was wide open the whole time.
Jim Lafferty April 2nd, 2006, 01:00 AM Last clip ( Right click, save as please -- it's a big one (100mb).
Sorry for the erratic nature of the footage -- I shot it under the gun.
Wayne Kinney April 2nd, 2006, 01:40 AM Excellent footage, Jim.
Is this using your wax GG? The footage has that feel to it. If it is then im impressed. I know you have been perfecting the wax screen for some time now.
Jim Lafferty April 2nd, 2006, 01:59 AM Thanks for the props and kind words.
I need to sort out some details before blabbing about the GG materials :)
Brian J. Harris April 2nd, 2006, 07:06 PM Hello Jim,
I just finished watching the demo footage from your website. I kept thinking I would see the image element, especially with the sun streaming through the windows, but I never really did. Kudos to you! I haven't had a chance to see the clips you list in the post, but I hope to do so soon.
This really is interesting. Do you mind sharing some info regarding your adapter's form factor--dimensions and weight? I have an XL2, which is long and a bit heavy with the stock lens, so size and weight of the adapter is an important factor for my decision in a future purchase. Do you have any photos of your set-up. If this info is available somewhere else, just point in the right direction. I would love to read some more about this adapter.
The demo footage really looked nice. The harshness of video wasn't really there.
Once again, nice job, and if you can supply some more info or point to it, I would appreciate it.
Ben Winter April 2nd, 2006, 07:44 PM That bokeh is sweet.
Leo Mandy April 2nd, 2006, 07:55 PM It looks amazing. Yes, probably some sort of wax - you can see the black speck on the footage for the static, going to be hard to make it perfect, but a darn good job at that!
Jim Lafferty April 2nd, 2006, 10:10 PM Actually, the black speck is a piece of dust caught inside the lens element on the GL1 -- it is something I need to send the cam in for servicing to remove, so it will likely be seen on all my test shots until I get a DVX. You'll see that it travels a lot in the handheld shots -- that's because the "steadyshot" function of the lens is moving it around :/
Jim Lafferty April 2nd, 2006, 10:24 PM As for form factor and weight, I'm not sure about the exact numbers, but it's about 3.75" long, with a 58mm exterior diameter. It's made from aircraft grade aluminum, so even with some pretty thick walls, it's not too heavy.
I'd lay the science down but the only beta unit I have of the production "shell" is off with the engineer who is building the moving internals for the HD model.
I'll let you know specifics in the coming weeks when the new site is posted.
I'm getting DVX footage with the SD model tomorrow, and handing off a Pro beta unit to the DP for use on a music video that I'll show around when it's complete. I can tell you right now that the adapter has edge focus issues with the DVX that need to be resolved before I roll into production, but it's just a matter of finding the right achromat for the job.
Alain Dumais April 4th, 2006, 10:38 AM Hi Jim. Still there! I haven`t come here for a long time.
Jim Lafferty April 4th, 2006, 11:29 AM Excellent seeing you again, Alain :)
Frank Hool April 5th, 2006, 05:09 AM Jim,
nice job. Have You footage with stopped down iris as well?
sorry for my late editing but forgot asking about fisheye.
this would be also interresting footage.
Jim Lafferty April 5th, 2006, 01:40 PM No, not yet at least. I just made a another GG just like this and am waiting to get the rest of the adapter back to test it out with both a stopped down iris and a zoom lens that's f/2.8 (iirc).
I'm also having a series of retainer rings made for this GG to fit inside a 50mm interior diameter tube. Once they're machined, I'll be able to sell these GG separate of the adapter if anyone's interested. I'm trying to find a decent price range between ensuring I don't undercut my own adapter business while still putting the price of the GG within reach to the DIY community.
I'll update info with more tests and footage in the coming weeks.