View Full Version : Studio 1 Productions DV Jib Arm vs. ProAm Jib Arms

Joshua Provost
March 28th, 2006, 04:10 PM

Not much mention of Studio 1 Productions DV Jib Arm in the archives. Just a few mentions of its existence. Does anyone have any positive or negative experiences to relate on this equipment? There is recently some positive experiences with the ProAm jib arms from Bargain Camera, so that is covered for me. It's down to these two products for running Pany DVX100 and GS400's. I value the great input here.


Joshua Provost
April 13th, 2006, 12:44 PM
As an update, I ended up buying the 8' Kessler Crane. Wow, it is a great piece of kit, very well constructed. I'm very glad about the balanced double-ribbed design, along with the metal tilt bar (as opposed to a pully system), and the flexible configuration options. A great value at $400.

Webb Pickersgill
April 14th, 2006, 09:46 PM
Hi Josh! Fellow Phoenix filmaker here. :)

I have a Kessler 8' also, and I know you'll love yours. I'm actually planning on upgrading mine to the 12' model soon.