View Full Version : 4:3 Video played back as 16:9

Nate Cannon
March 28th, 2006, 12:06 PM
I'm woking on a project where the video has been recorded from a miniDVD Camcorder. The video is 16:9 during playback on a standalone as well as a PC. I import the video using Vegas 6. The result imported video shows as being 4:3 and the image is squished / verticaly stretched. I kept the video as is, edited it, and rendered the project to the same 4:3 aspect. I then authored the result files to a 4:3 DVD. After the VIDEO_TS structure was created, I opened the .IFO's with IFOedit and changed the aspect from 4:3 to 16:9. The video plays back perfect.

This leads me to two questions:

#1 Is this considered "Anamorphic 16:9"?
#2 Is there a different method in the editing / authoring process to accomplish what I've done by altering the .IFO's? If I tell the authoring program (DVD Workshop2 or DVDit Pro6) that the DVD project is 16:9 then it will render the video 4:3 to 16:9.

Thanks inadvance

Emre Safak
March 28th, 2006, 12:11 PM
Your title contradicts your post. Did you set the project to widescreen? Also, do you really mean miniDVD, not miniDV?

Nate Cannon
March 28th, 2006, 01:15 PM
Your title contradicts your post. Did you set the project to widescreen? Also, do you really mean miniDVD, not miniDV?
Thanks for the reply.

The video source is from a DVD Camcorder which records to miniDVD-RW. When the video source is imported to Vegas 6, the source file shows as a 4:3 aspect, however the image is stretched vertically.

VOB attributes:
Source miniDVD-RW .IFO:
VOB preview:

I'm assuming the video plays back fine because of the .IFO telling the player to playback as 16:9

I'm wondering if this is how camcorders with "True 16:9" record the video to tape or DVD. I've yet to record in this mode on my Optura Xi, but can say that the image is squished the same, while viewing it on the flipout LCD screen, as for the Optura Xi.