Brian Standing
March 27th, 2006, 04:42 PM
Let's look into our crystal balls a bit. When do you folks think we'll see a true 1080p camera for under $10,000? (No field shifting, no futzing in post, just an honest-to-God 1080p image right from the chip). Ever? Within 5 years?
What if we said 1080p under $20,000? Would that change your answer?
Kevin Shaw
March 27th, 2006, 05:01 PM
If you mean a full 1920x1080 sensor with 1920x1080 progressive-scan recording, I'd say it'll be a while. But today you can buy a Canon XLH1 for $9K and attach it to a sub-$10K editing workstation to capture full 1080p 4:2:2 HD video in various recording formats. If someone will just put something like the Cineform or Avid HD codec in a truly portable recording device (not Wafian), we'd have about as we're going to see any time soon at any reasonable price.
P.S. Unless the mythical "Red" camera or some other similar project surprises all of us at an affordable price.
Joe Carney
March 28th, 2006, 03:50 PM
That question will be better answered after NAB I think.