View Full Version : Lo-Cost 100Mbit/s High Definition 422P@HL Acquisition on the Horizon

John Jay
March 27th, 2006, 08:24 AM
Lo-Cost 100Mbit/s High Definition 422P@HL Acquisition on the Horizon

For those who are looking for a Component capture solution, they say that 100Mbit/s High Definition 422P@HL is pretty much indistinguishable from uncompressed 422. The chief advantage of course is that no huge disk arrays with mobo's featuring high end PCI slots are required.

Here is my current recipe for such a system

Step 1

If you dont have SDI then component injection from the AJA converter is a good place to start

Step 2

Injection of the SDI signal to the SC10KE will provide High Def in a number of flavours, notably 422P@HL up to 160 Mbit/s

this card features DVB-SPI output

Step 3

the SC10KE could be piggy backed onto the Dektek DTA-122, DVB-SPI Input
Adapter for PCI Bus which will handle upto 108 Mbit/s, the nice thing about this is that it requires a PCI rev2.2 slot, so a very cheap pizza style PC would suffice


Although pricing for the SC10KE is not yet available it is based on the mass produced VASA chip so the expectation is an affordable one. 100Mbit/s 422P@HL capture is an exciting prospect and it is already known that the Canopus HQ codec can act as an extremely suitable intermediate 422 codec for easy editing.

Wayne Morellini
April 22nd, 2006, 01:19 AM
Hi, sorry it has taken me so many weeks to get here, but I have a cheap alternative at 88Mb/s dv like codec:

Earthsoft 88Mb/s Component HD capture card, around $300 I think:

Anybody interested in uncompressed 10bit HDSDI instead:
HDU-1 $2.5K recorder.

It is a shame that dvinfo does not run parts list pages, that can store links to all the equipment we find.

Re-edit: Changed it from 100Mb/s to 88Mb/s as it seems to indicate on the page below, that it is 30-40GB per hour.

They have changed pages so here is some relevant ones:

It is hard to determine, because it is written in Japanese and translation is difficult to read, but maybe a 1440 horizontal option:

Codec information:

John Jay
April 23rd, 2006, 12:05 PM
if you want to record 422P@HL to a laptop with all the field advantages then replace the dektec card with this usb 2 box

the SC10KE is postcard size and could be made to fit in the above box with power supply adjustments

so that's 442P@HL on a laptop....

Canopus HQ and Cineform will enable transcoding to an intermediate and allow editing as normal with current available packages