View Full Version : reflectors

Dylan Couper
January 27th, 2003, 12:22 AM
Looking at getting a reflector (like the Photoflex) for all purpose use.
Two questions...
What size do you guys like?

It will most likely be double sided, so what two surfaces would you choose? I was leaning towards gold and white, or gold and silver. What do you think?

Rob Lohman
January 27th, 2003, 07:56 AM
I noticed that sometimes they also have reflectors that you can
fold up after use, so they don't take much space when your taking
it with you or when it's in storage. Just to let know...

John Locke
January 27th, 2003, 08:09 AM

I have two PhotoFlex items that come in mighty handy. I used them for still photography at first, but have found them to be equally useful for video.

One is the 42" white/gold LiteDisc. In my opinion, the white is better than the silver...less harsh. Folds up nice and compact. I also have the stand and boom arm.

The other is the 77" white translucent LitePanel with PVC frame, crossbar, and stands. It comes with a soft case.

Any time I have to shoot in the bright soon, I'll hoist it up over the subject(s) to diffuse the light hitting them. Then, I use the LiteDisc to bounce in the fill. I plan on ordering the white/black fabric this month.

Dylan Couper
January 28th, 2003, 12:55 AM
Thanks John. I was thinking 36" (or whatever they have close to that). I'll probably end up getting the stand and arm as well.

How much did you pay for the LitePanel and gear?

Any other thoughts on reflectors from anyone?

Rhett Allen
January 28th, 2003, 01:59 AM
I have a couple of 45" round collapsable white/gold reflectors and some 5'x8' & 5'x10' white fabric diffusers/reflectors on standing frames that are very handy but the handiest item I keep in my photo/video arsenal is a case of 4'x8' white/black foam core. You can cut it up or leave it large. You can use it for bounce or flag or que cards or just about anything. I actually built a very large 4 head softbox with it once using frosted acetate for the front diffuser and the price is just down-right reasonable compared to Pro photo gear. If you treat it reasonable it will last a very long time too.

See there, you can get some good stuff cheap too!