View Full Version : XL2 for a FX1! Is it worthed?
Kalil Jalili March 23rd, 2006, 06:09 AM Hi,
I have had a XL2 for about a year and now want to give it back and pay some more money to get a FX1.
Is that High def look in the FX1 worthed or no?
thank you
Bruce S. Yarock March 23rd, 2006, 06:54 AM You should be able to get $3000 for your xl2, selling it used (try the classified here). You can get anew FX1 at B+H (check the other dvinfo sponsors also) for $2995.
I've played with the FX1 a bit, but amplanning to spend more time with one before I deceide whether or not to get one as a second cam to my XL2.
Good luck
Bruce Yarock
Matthew Nayman March 23rd, 2006, 07:29 AM FX1 image is not that spectacular. The ZU1 is a little better, but still. If you are planing on going HDV go for either the HDVX or HD100. The XL2 might not have the resolution of an FX1 (debatable) but it is a better CAMERA! I have uprezzed XL2 footage and run it side by side with FX1 footage (Even ZU1 and HD100) footage and people have usually said they like the XL2 stuff most. There is nothing magic about the XL2. It is just super customizable and has a great way of rendering colours and lighting that the FX1 just cant match.
My 2 cents.
Bruce S. Yarock March 23rd, 2006, 07:34 AM Matthew,
How come you didn't include the Canon XLH1 with the other two? Have you tried all three ? I want to go with a second camera, and don't want to buy another sd cam. I've tried the XLH1 and loved it, but it's very high priced. I've heard good things about the JVC and Panasonic, but haven't tried either.
Bruce Yarock
Boyd Ostroff March 23rd, 2006, 07:39 AM FX1 image is not that spectacular. The ZU1 is a little better
Why is that? The chips and optics are the same on the FX1 and Z1. The only thing I can think of which might give you a better image on the Z1 would be the black stretch feature.
Kevin Shaw March 23rd, 2006, 07:50 AM I have had a XL2 for about a year and now want to give it back and pay some more money to get a FX1.
That all depends what you want to do. The XL2 is a decent SD camera and gives you the option of shooting true widescreen video which should look pretty good on an HDTV. And until HD delivery is commonplace the easiest way to distribute HD footage is as widescreen SD DVDs, which may only look a little better than widescreen footage from an XL2. On the other hand, the FX1 takes impressive HD images (for the price) which will be more useful in the future than SD footage, and gives you the option to deliver HD output to customers willing to use current delivery solutions. Here's a sample FX1 clip downsampled to 720p resolution:
Matthew Nayman March 23rd, 2006, 12:16 PM I believe the FX1 is lacking XLR inputs, balanced audios and the ZU1 has a black stretch feature which is fairly nice. I am just not a fan of those cams. WHen I have used them they aren't so great. I do like the JVC HD100 and XL H1 quite a lot, but the Sony's in my humble oppinion, were jsut not very nice. they feel rather plasticy and give a soap-opera-y look right out of the box. Just not my fave. He asked for an oppinion.
Gareth Watkins March 23rd, 2006, 02:06 PM Hi Kalil
If you already have an XL2 I honestly don't think at the present moment an FX1 or a Z1 would give you any better images.
HDV is fine and will in some form or another replace current SD DV footage. But we are a way off yet. As has been said the XL2 gives images almost a good as the FX1... despite not having HDV capacity. It has a more professional lay out, interchangeable lenses... XLR connections etc...
Despite owning an FX1 and finding it a superb camera to use, giving unbreatbale results for the money... if I already owned an XL2, I wouldn't consider changing... the differences in image quality are too slight.
In your place I'd wait until the next generation of HD cameras this time there will possibly be DVD delivery in HD and a real use for the higher resolution footage... until then the excellent pictures your camera will produce will more than justify the wait...
again just my opinion...
PS: Aside black stretch the Z1 and trhe FX1 one give identical images..
Ash Greyson March 23rd, 2006, 02:26 PM Pretty easy here... is HD delivery a need for you? If not, stick with the XL2. It is not just decent, it is the best in its class.
ash =o)
Matthew Nayman March 23rd, 2006, 06:08 PM Goshdarnit Ash, you are always so concise...
Ash Greyson March 24th, 2006, 01:58 PM I try =o) One other thing... if the future is of concern, the XL2 looks very good upconverted to 720P (have not tried 1080i).
ash =o)
Mike Teutsch March 24th, 2006, 02:05 PM I try =o) One other thing... if the future is of concern, the XL2 looks very good upconverted to 720P (have not tried 1080i).
ash =o)
What you using for the conversion?
Jeff McElroy March 25th, 2006, 08:13 AM "It is not just decent, it is the best in its class."
"Goshdarnit Ash, you are always so concise..."
Well indeed, brevity is the soul of wit!
I think that the fx1 may perhaps yield you a better image straight out of the box, but as far as a modular, working horse camera, my XL2 is my best friend. All this talk of future relevancy in regards to HDV versus the superior ergonomics of the Canon is rendered useless if this is just for personal use, you know?
So, what kind of work are you planning to do, Kalil? :)
Hey, Mike... see:
Michael Padilla March 25th, 2006, 08:16 PM When I was in the market for a camera it was fx1 vs xl2;
I spent a week with each camera..
To say the least I now own 3 XL2's, 0 FX1's
Although the images from the FX1 was sharp and clear, it just didn't compare to the look (and feel) of the XL2. It was a no brainer..
If I were to purchase an HDV camera it would probably be the JVC; basically because I can shoot HDV to tape (unlike the Panasonic) and its much cheeper than the XLH1,
Ash Greyson March 25th, 2006, 10:50 PM There are many ways to upconvert footage... you can just resize it, use a card like the Kona or I have actually dubbed it to an HD deck (HD1200A). There is also some software solutions...
ash =o)
Kevin Shaw March 27th, 2006, 09:07 AM All this talk of future relevancy in regards to HDV versus the superior ergonomics of the Canon is rendered useless if this is just for personal use, you know?
Ha, that's the first time I've heard an XL2 described positively in terms of ergonomics! I do like the fact that Canon uses physical controls for most basic camera functions, but an FX1 is much more ergonomically friendly (in terms of being able to hand hold it) than an XL2.
Regarding video cameras for personal use, I'm starting to see some videographers buying HDV cameras for just that purpose, because they understand that *their* most important memories should be preserved in the higher resolution viewing format of the future. Plus I can't imagine anyone using an XL2 for their home videos unless they couldn't spare a few hundred dollars for a more portable DV camera, and even then no.
The XL2 is one of the few SD cameras I would still recommend to anyone at this time because it has a true widescreen recording mode, but after testing the XL2 against all the latest HD cameras I bought another HDV camera. Different strokes for different folks.