View Full Version : Gyhd100ua W/idx Pwr Promo

Scott Cantrell
March 22nd, 2006, 12:51 PM
The new GYHD100UA camcorder will be in stock at TapeWorks Texas Inc tomorrow - Thursday 03/22/06

These camcorder packages include the Free IDX Power Promotion through March 31st. TapeWorks will mail the IDX certificate with the camcorder package. Client's will need to send in the certificate with the UPC Label and TapeWorks Texas Inc Invoice to redeem the Power Promotion Products. Please note that the certificate must be mailed and postmarked by March 31st, otherwise JVC will not honor the certificate.

The Free LEHD100KIT includes: (1) V-Mount adaptor bracket, (1) VL-2 dual battery charger and (1) E-7S 77Wh Endura Battery

TapeWorks Texas Inc can customize your purchase with VTR's, Tripod, On-Board Camera lighting, Professional Audio Products or any other accessories required for your application.

Please contact TapeWorks Texas Inc and any of our sales staff will be readily available to assist you.

Best Regards,

Scott B. Cantrell
A/V Equipment Sales Mgr.
TapeWorks Texas Inc
4930 Dacoma, Suite B
Houston, TX 77092
Toll Free: 866-827-3489
Direct: 713-688-3830
Fax: 713-688-2509

Scott Cantrell
March 23rd, 2006, 05:51 PM
TapeWorks received the remaining upgraded GYHD100UA camcorder kits earlier than anticipated and we NOW HAVE INVENTORY!!!

We currently have QTY 9 kits availble with the IDX Power Promotion Certificate. Please note that the certificate must be mailed and postmarked by March 31st, otherwise JVC will not honor the certificate. If you are interested in purchising, please get your orders in so TapeWorks can ship the camcorder to you in time!

If you have any questions or comments, please contact TapeWorks Texas Inc and we will be glad to assist you.

TapeWorks has been receiving great response from users here on!!! I want to thank everyone calling and emailing us for providing TapeWorks Texas Inc an opportunity to be your vendor. I additionally want to thank Chris Hurd for allowing TapeWorks Texas Inc. to be a sponser on this website.

Best Regards,

Scott Cantrell
A/V Equipment Mgr.
TapeWorks Texas Inc
Toll Free: 866-827-3489

Scott Jaco
March 24th, 2006, 08:10 AM
Ahh yes. Thanks for the info.

Jiri Bakala
March 24th, 2006, 08:15 AM
If there is in fact “A” version of the HD-100, please post a link to an official JVC website that explains in detail what updates this camera has.
The "A" version is indeed a firmware upgrade and it is recomended for all users. The link has been posted at the top of the list. All updated cameras become "A" version.

Scott Cantrell
March 28th, 2006, 11:25 AM
TapeWorks now has qty 5 GYHD100UA kits with IDX Power Promo Certificates left in inventory.

Please remember that the units must be sold and invoiced by this Friday, March 31st, for the certificate to be valid. On sales after March 31st, the certificates will not be honored.

JVC is extending the deadline a little bit for customers to file their claim with JVC. End-users will now have until April 15, 2006 mail the Free Power Promo Certificates to JVC.

Please contact TapeWorks Texas Inc if you have any questions.

Best Regards,

Scott B. Cantrell
A/V Equipment Sales Mgr.
TapeWorks Texas Inc
4930 Dacoma, Suite B
Houston, TX 77092
Toll Free: 866-827-3489
Direct: 713-688-3830
Fax: 713-688-2509

K. Forman
March 28th, 2006, 11:42 AM
Gee... What are the odds of them extending it a little longer? Just till, say, May or June, when I'll be ready to buy? It's a toss up between the XL-H1 and the HD100, and I just love getting free stuff!

Scott Cantrell
March 28th, 2006, 03:23 PM
Gee... What are the odds of them extending it a little longer?

Just to clerify, The promotion is not being extended.
The GYHD100UA still must be purchased and invoiced by March 31st
JVC extended the timeframe to postmark the certificate in the mail.
JVC has verified that this promotion will NOT be extended after March 31st

-Scott Cantrell

K. Forman
March 28th, 2006, 04:16 PM
Awwww man! C'mon... Just a little? Oh well, it doesn't hurt to ask.

Chris Hurd
March 28th, 2006, 04:17 PM
Now is always the right time to buy, Keith!

K. Forman
March 28th, 2006, 05:45 PM
Sure... if you happen to have the $6k laying about. I won't get the money until May or June. SOL again.

Besides, I'm still somewhat up in the air, between this and an XL-H1. The free stuff is a great incentive ;)

Brian Luce
March 28th, 2006, 06:45 PM
Sure... if you happen to have the $6k laying about. I won't get the money until May or June. SOL again.

Besides, I'm still somewhat up in the air, between this and an XL-H1. The free stuff is a great incentive ;)

Hey Keith, that battery promo is worth about 1100 bucks if i'm not mistaken. better call Scott, I just ordered mine yesterday. batteries are a big issue with this cam. the promo solves the problem...

K. Forman
March 28th, 2006, 06:54 PM
I know it's a deal, which is why I'm interested. But if I can't swing it right now, I can't swing it right now. Unless somebody wants to buy a kidney... barely abused, and still in good working order. What a steal at only $6 grand!

Daniel Patton
March 28th, 2006, 08:54 PM
hmmm.... a kidney for 6K eh? You might just have a buyer, stone free I hope (wish mine was).

I agree with Brian regardless, that promotion solves the issue alright. It was by far the best marketing idea I have seen for a camera, ever.

Scott Cantrell
March 29th, 2006, 01:02 PM
Keith, unfortunately TapeWorks does not except Kidneys for trade-ins on camera purchases. Sorry to hear that you are not able to get in on this promotion. Hopefully there will be another promotion as inticing as this one when you are ready to purchase.

Brian, thanks for ordering through TapeWorks! I trust that your purchasing experiance through Tapeworks was satisfactory.

For anyone else considering purchasing before the deadline:
TapeWorks Texas Inc will be holding inventory on Friday March 31st, therefore all sales through TapeWorks must be finalized by Thursday March 30th.

As of 12noon CST Wed March 29th, TapeWorks still has Qty 5 GYHD100UA camcorder kits available with the IDX Power Promotion.

Please contact TapeWorks Texas Inc if you have any questions or require a quotation.

Best Regards,

Scott B. Cantrell
A/V Equipment Sales Mgr.
TapeWorks Texas Inc
4930 Dacoma, Suite B
Houston, TX 77092
Toll Free: 866-827-3489
Direct: 713-688-3830
Fax: 713-688-2509

Jake Strickbine
March 29th, 2006, 01:16 PM
I just want to chime in and encourage anyone who's thinking about getting the HD100 to seriously consider taking advantage of what TapeWorks has going on right now.

I placed my order Friday, my camera arrived yesterday- and the whole process was completely painless. Scott will take good care of you through the whole process. The fact that you can still take advantage of the IDX promo should make this a no-brainer.

Scott Cantrell
March 30th, 2006, 06:04 PM
Jake, thank you very much for your purchase through TapeWorks Texas Inc. I trust we will do business again in the future!

As stated previously, TapeWorks Texas will be holding inventory Friday March 30th. I still have qty 2 GYHD100UA camcorders in stock with the IDX promotion. TapeWorks will process any final sales tomorrow for inventory left on GYHD100UA only. TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY WITH THE IDX PROMO!!!
Gettem while they're hot!!!

-Scott Cantrell
TapeWorks Texas Inc