View Full Version : Just Finished a Commercial

Marc Higa
March 21st, 2006, 10:57 PM
Just shot our first commercial with the Hd100 check it out...

This version is down converted to DV.


Mark Bournes
March 22nd, 2006, 08:32 AM
Looks great, you and the client should be very happy.

Matthew Pugerude
March 22nd, 2006, 11:38 AM
He Marc the Commerical looks great. I could only watch the Spanish verision. I was getting a Plug in error when I tried to watch the English verision. It probably is something on my side but I thought you should know.

Maurice Jolly
March 22nd, 2006, 01:29 PM
Just shot our first commercial with the Hd100 check it out...

This version is down converted to DV.


that looks real good. did you shoot it at 720 30p and downconvert 10bit uncompressed or another way.

Marc Higa
March 22nd, 2006, 01:51 PM
Here was my workflow...

1.Shot in 24p
2.Lumiere HD ver. 1.6b6 to capture.
3.Used the Apple intermediate codec @ 24p 1280x720
4.Edited in fcp 5.04, my sequence was set at Apple intermediate codec 24p 1280x720.
5.Then to get the SD version - I made a new FCP sequence (23.98 ntsc) and dropped the original 1280x720 into it, rendered and I was done.

There were problems with out of sync audio and some of my frame rates were weird (24.98?). But all in all I'm just waiting for NAB to find out who will have the best workflow. Thanks for the feed back.


Javier Velez
March 22nd, 2006, 04:40 PM
Well shot, well edited, and the music ended right on the money. Congratulations Marc!


Scott Jaco
March 22nd, 2006, 05:25 PM
Why 24p? instead of 30p? If it wasn't meant for film, what do you feel are the benifits to shooting in 24p?

p.s. I'm a newbie.


Marc Higa
March 23rd, 2006, 10:50 AM
Scott Jaco,

Shooting 24p is purely a personal choice. When it comes down to it, I like the "look". 24p handles motion differently than 30p. One is not better than the other (in my eyes). 30p would be better if you are shooting sports. One thing is to always shoot a lot of tests to see for yourself. Before any spot we always shoot a test no matter how big or small the project is.

Ed Hill
March 24th, 2006, 09:45 AM
Just saw this today.

1) The dolly shots are great.

2) Good choice on music with the dramatic bell note that ends at the right point.

3) It doesn't look like hard video. Even the couple outdoors in hard sunlight, even with the almost blown out highlights on the girls hand, it does not scream VIDEO. The HD-100 is good that way.

4) All the indoor shots look softer like film.

Good work on your part.

Did you use any filters or soft lighting?


John Vincent
March 24th, 2006, 04:08 PM
Looks great! Thanks for sharing...


Luis Otero
March 24th, 2006, 09:00 PM

Excellent job! Would you mind to share with us the camera setting you used? I mean, did you use any of the posted scene files in this forum by Tim or Paolo?

Thanks for sharing with us how great footage can be obtained from this baby and how it is a clear alternative to shooting on film.


Marc Higa
March 29th, 2006, 12:03 AM
Thanks for the great replies...for the settings we started with Paolo's settings, but we messed with it a little... but I wasn't happy with the tweeks we made. I shot another commercial for this company with Paolo settings but I changed the Master black to -1. I didn't use any filters on the day but did a little magic bullet in post.

Jim Forrest
March 31st, 2006, 09:40 AM
Very nice! Was this with the stock lens?


Marc Higa
March 31st, 2006, 02:05 PM
Yes this was the stock lens.

David Chapman
March 31st, 2006, 08:23 PM
So how did you get a smooth shot outside of the car while it was driving? Did you use a rig for the dolly shots or was that hand held?

PS: The shot of the wan and woman lying on the floor reminded me of the Discovery channel! Great Work!

Marc Higa
March 31st, 2006, 09:26 PM
To get the smooth shot outside the car we used suction cup car mounts. They look like this...

I'm glad you enjoyed the spots!