View Full Version : Music Video Synchronization

Logan Bright
March 21st, 2006, 04:24 PM
Hey hey all. I have a project going on in my mind to shoot a new movie adaptation of the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar for my Communications class.

Now, I'm aware of all the inherent inter- and intra-personal problems that can arise from this undertaking, but I'm willing to deal with those.

My problem is synching up the album to the video. I intend to use the original cast recording as the soundtrack, because my friends can't sing or anything. I'm just going to have them lip-synch.

I was wondering if you folks would have any tips for shooting, editing, etc, that will help me synch up my shots to the soundtrack more easily. This is a new experience for me, and I know it will be difficult. Anything you can suggest that would make it easier for me would be great =)

Thanks in advance,


EDIT: I might add that I'm using Premiere Pro 1.5 for the editing, though with a bit of work I might be able to get something else. Still PP1.5 would be ideal.

Bill Mecca
March 21st, 2006, 05:56 PM

my first thought is to play the CD while you are taping, have them lip sync to it and capture the audio with the onboard mic, or thru a line input, you will be wiping out that audio later in editing but it will give you a reference all the way through.

Raza Ahmad
March 22nd, 2006, 04:53 AM
you'll have to be playing on tape during record in order for them to lipsync right... keep it loud... once your done you will be able to see the recorded audio waveform on the taped video, align that visually to the waveform for the cd-rip...


Logan Bright
March 23rd, 2006, 06:23 AM
Ah, yes, excellent ideas. I never thought of visually aligning the wave diagram thing, (waveform). That's a good idea; I definitely will bring the CD for the lip-synching. Thank you both, Bill and Raza.

~Loggie B

Dale Guthormsen
March 25th, 2006, 01:39 AM
The afore mentioned ideas are right on.

I just recently mentioned to one on a different thread to use two tracks, one in wave form and one in rubber band for adjustments relative to the a=wave forms.

In your case you would use three tracks aline the wave forms and adjust volumes on the third. When finished delete the two un needed tracks.

I have a student doing the exact same things we are talking about and it has worked well for her. she is doing her first music video and it pretty nice, not professional but not to far off. Good enough she is thinking of going into this field for a lively hood.
