View Full Version : Focus Command Post

John Kang
March 21st, 2006, 12:14 AM
Does anyone remember the Focus Command Post by Videonics?

I had got it as an additional freebe with the purchase of Videowave 4. I didn't care for Videowave back then as it only allowed to save up to a 2 gig file which caused issues with my system. I did love using the Command Post.

I recently dug it out of storage but I don't have the drivers for it. I contacted the company and they no longer have the driver for it as it's too old for support.

Anyone still using the system? Does it work in XP? Anyone have the drivers they can send me if they're not using the system anymore?

Brian Rodriguez
April 9th, 2006, 02:47 AM
Yeah - I have one (currently selling on EBAY). It was a pretty cool little device that I never really used. Before deciding to sell it, I hooked it up and tried all the drivers every which way...XP doesn't seem to be supported.

The drivers and manual ARE still available from the website (I downloaded the newest drivers which still did not work with XP.)

Go to
and click on the "discontinued products information" - you'll find the newest manual. If you click on the "software downloads" tab, you'll find the newest "2.0" drivers.

If you're like me, you'll probably decide its not worth leaving XP to make my command post work...

Peter John Ross
December 18th, 2006, 12:46 AM
Yup. I just literally dusted off mine tonight and low & behold - it does NOT work in Windows XP (I have 2 of these and 2 PC's on windows XP). This sucks. I didn't pay much, but all I wanted was a jog shuttle since I already had one.

I hadn't been using these COMMAND POSTS since I have the Bella keyboards for both AVID and PREMIERE, but I had a yearning, and glad I found this out.

Ebay, here I come!!!!