View Full Version : FREE upgrade for U.S. owners to "A" Version
Diogo Athouguia March 22nd, 2006, 11:48 AM On the proHD site you can find the info for your country.
Thanks Marc, the JVC service for Portugal is located in Spain and it doesn't have an email adress. I received today a reply from JVC UK. They say that there is and there will be no such thing in Europe as an A model, however if I need an upgrade for the info of the A/B batteries or for the DR-HD100 I can send the camera to my dealer to perform the upgrade. So, for European costumers, just contact your dealers.
Albert Henson March 22nd, 2006, 02:53 PM While most of us will be approaching JVC for upgrades to our current hd100's. We should press the question of when or if a lens upgrade will me made available. One JVC tech told my dealer that a lens with better light handling capabilities would reduce and perhaps elimate the SSE, though the problem is still inherantly a hardware issue. Given this, I think it is a good time for JVC to hear us out regarding our wish lists, and have them actually hear us loud and clear what can be done to improve their product. If we speak up and nothing is done, no suprises, however if we speak up and they exhange our crappy stock lens then you'll be thanking me later for encouraging you to speak up. Throughout the whole ordeal of the hd100's setbacks, many have been in my opinion overly dosile, and has allowed JVC to walk all over the consumer. They have made efforts to appease complaints, but too little too late in my opinon. I knew a recall like this was inevitable, and for you naysayers who justified the disregard for us as professionals, I hate to say it but....nah forget it, I'm above making juvenile comments like "I told you so." Or maybe not.
Diogo Athouguia March 22nd, 2006, 03:04 PM The lens is what you pay for, low quality for low price. Better lens, batteries, mic and VF would make this camera more expensive, out of the price range where JVC whants to keep it. I'd also like it to have better lens and mic, but at least I was able to afford it.
Nate Weaver March 22nd, 2006, 03:30 PM One JVC tech told my dealer that a lens with better light handling capabilities
Albert, the lens is as fast as practical. Lenses faster than 1.4 are rare, expensive, and very heavy as they have a lot of large elements in them.
Making it faster than 1.4 would make it more expensive on a exponential scale.
Jim Giberti March 22nd, 2006, 03:52 PM Throughout the whole ordeal of the hd100's setbacks, many have been in my opinion overly dosile, and has allowed JVC to walk all over the consumer. They have made efforts to appease complaints, but too little too late in my opinon. I knew a recall like this was inevitable, and for you naysayers who justified the disregard for us as professionals, I hate to say it but....nah forget it, I'm above making juvenile comments like "I told you so." Or maybe not.
Albert, while you may see using the HD100 as an "ordeal", I think most of the professionals here see it much differently. Terms like "naysayers" and "docile" and frankly your entire post make no sense. There's been a very active and constructive dialogue here since the camera was introduced. The level of professionalism and the quality of input has been exemplary which is also a credit to the way Chris manages the site.
Finger pointing and self-congratulations are unnecessary and rumours about upgraded lenses might eliminate SSE don't add to the debate either. If you're truly interested in JVC listening to your concerns, you might try toning down your rhetoric. You've certainy lost my interest because of it.
Chris Hurd March 22nd, 2006, 07:43 PM I knew a recall like this was inevitable.Geez... that does it. There has been no recall. There is a tremendous difference between a product recall and a product upgrade. I'm not sure whether your problem is that you simply can't comprehend what that difference is, or whether you're just axe grinding like there's no tomorrow. Either way, I've had it with your rhetoric. Post that garbage somewhere else... I'm really tired of that kind of tone. It's entirely inappropriate here. As far as the lens goes, Nate and Diogo said it best.
Kudos to Jim for keeping cooler than I could. Thanks guys,
John Mitchell March 22nd, 2006, 11:51 PM I have received an official response from JVC_Hagemeyer the Australian distributors.
To paraphrase (because it was quite long and specific), they won't be doing the upgrade due to "handling logistics and man hours" - in essence they will only fix if it's broke. But they are not going to time restrict it.
So if you are experiencing the mode changing problem (which incidentally isn't mentioned in the upgrade notice) they will fix that. If you bought an DR-HD100 or and Anton BAuer battery mount from an authorised Australian or NZ dealer they will upgrade your firmware.
What do others think of this - I think it's a reasonable compromise, if not as good as the US experience. Or should the pressure be put on them to match the US upgrade offer?
Chris Hurd March 23rd, 2006, 12:04 AM I think "handling logistics" says it best. You can drive a delivery truck over most of North America, but not over most of Oceania. You need a big, fast boat for that. Much more expensive than a truck.
John Mitchell March 23rd, 2006, 12:15 AM I think "handling logistics" says it best. You can drive a delivery truck over most of North America, but not over most of Oceania. You need a big, fast boat for that. Much more expensive than a truck.
This is Australia and New Zealand only - separate dealer offices in each country. Perhaps you were referring to Tasmania?
Enzo Giobbé March 23rd, 2006, 12:59 PM Geez... that does it. There has been no recall. There is a tremendous difference between a product recall and a product upgrade.
Hi Chris, long time no post. Too many irons in the fire, sorry :)
You are 100% correct. To call the current firmware update to the HD-100 a "recall" is to not understand the basic differences in the design philosophy of JVC versus other camera manufactures.
JVC pro series cameras are all firmware (software) driven (a good thing), as the camera can be easily updated and most issues resolved by simply updating the OS on the camera.
It was the same approach they adopted for the GY-DV500/5000 series, so it's just "business as usual" for JVC and the way they normally operate (the DV-500 had several firmware updates over it's lifetime).
This JVC design philosophy is what endures their cameras to the broadcast industry, and will (hopefully) eventually be followed by all the other major camera manufactures as well.
As I free up some time, I will post our experiences with deciding on a new "B" cam for broadcast purposes. We did about 50 hours each of actual "in the field" testing with the new generation small cams (Panasonic AG-HVX200, Canon XL H1, JVC GY-HD100, and Sony HVR-Z1). All the cameras were great, and for the price, give really solid performance. but for our use, the HD-100 was a little bit "greater" than the others.
We used about a half a dozen HD-100 cameras at the AMPAS (Oscar) awards early this month as "floaters" (quick run backups to our red carpet DigiBeta units). Two of the HD-100 cams were mounted on Steadicam "Flyer" rigs. The Steadicam rigs worked great and were a fast working/handling combo. Lack of a good follow focus was the only problem, but one we will eventually solve.
This is the rig we have tentatively standardized on:
More to follow...
Stephen L. Noe March 23rd, 2006, 02:46 PM Started the process on a camera today. It's Monday. Let's see how quickly this thing gets done...
Progress report.
Camera was recieved by JVC today and it's now in the system. I sent the camera out on Monday from the Chicago area (USPS Priority w/insurance) and they've input it into the system today. I also ordered the confirmation on when the camera was recieved from the USPS, however I have not received the confirmation yet.
BTW: When they recieve your camera they link you to an "accessory" page which offers a $2200 lens option. Is that the stock lens??? Click here ( The lens part number is LW30610-001B.
PS I haven't got a clue how the site sometimes double post messages. Administratively, is there any way to delete your own post?
Heath Vinyard March 23rd, 2006, 04:03 PM Another progress update:
Took my camera in this Monday and was able to pick it up today. It has the "A" sticker under the serial number. I have the core sitting at work, so I haven't been able to check out anything with it, but I'll run through it tonight.
Jim Giberti March 23rd, 2006, 04:14 PM Progress report.
BTW: When they recieve your camera they link you to an "accessory" page which offers a $2200 lens option. Is that the stock lens??? Click here ( The lens part number is LW30610-001B.
Well if it's the 13x wide angle they're gonna sell a ton of them <g>.
Warren Shultz March 23rd, 2006, 04:35 PM Hmm. They've had my camera since last Friday. It still just says "received". What's up with that?
Jiri Bakala March 23rd, 2006, 06:28 PM Well if it's the 13x wide angle they're gonna sell a ton of them.
No do you tell what lens it is?
Jiri Bakala March 23rd, 2006, 10:30 PM This is the rig we have tentatively standardized on:
Enzo, how did you attach the Sennheiser receiver to the bracket? Any chance that you could upload a detailed photo? I have the IDX system and Sennheiser ew100, which is not the same but the IDX bracket also has threaded holes that could work for attaching the wireless receiver.
Overall it looks great! Really nicely equipped unit. What rain covers are you using? Thanks.
Daniel Patton March 24th, 2006, 12:24 AM Jiri, the AB battery adapter plate has room on the inside unlike the IDX adapter. I noticed it after using the AB configuration on our previous HD100 and then just yesterday receiving our IDX kit for this new camera. I like that extra space on the AB... but you can't argue with the price of the IDX/JVC promotion either. ;)
If you figure out a good solution for the EW100 let me know, we have a few Senneiser kits as well. If nothing is out there my brother can CnC a few custom adapter plates for this, but it would take a few orders for him to bother with it.
Oh... and I like how he used the plastic piece that you remove to install the adapter plate, ours is sitting on my desk just begging to be lost forever. Enzo has the right idea, put that little bugger to work.
Stephen L. Noe March 25th, 2006, 09:03 AM Any word from of the "A" owners on whether any of our "wishlist" items are in the revision? Things like more scene files available on the SD card and LCD/Viewfinder displaying at the same time?
Heath Vinyard March 25th, 2006, 10:36 AM Any word from of the "A" owners on whether any of our "wishlist" items are in the revision? Things like more scene files available on the SD card and LCD/Viewfinder displaying at the same time?
Sorry Stephen. I think it's a no on both. Just checked my camera for the simultaneous vf/LCD and it's a no on that. When I checked my scene files on Friday, I didn't notice anymore than before. The only thing that seems different is the audio level meters on the vf/lcd. Don't remember seeing that before.
Jiri Bakala March 25th, 2006, 10:46 AM The only thing that seems different is the audio level meters on the vf/lcd. Don't remember seeing that before.
They were always's one of the options in the LCD/VF menu.
Enzo Giobbé March 25th, 2006, 12:28 PM Enzo, how did you attach the Sennheiser receiver to the bracket? Any chance that you could upload a detailed photo? I have the IDX system and Sennheiser ew100, which is not the same but the IDX bracket also has threaded holes that could work for attaching the wireless receiver.
Overall it looks great! Really nicely equipped unit. What rain covers are you using? Thanks.
Jiri, will do as soon as I get back from Vancouver (I am wearing my film DP hat right now).
We also have some Sennheiser EW500s (same form factor as the EW100), they work equally as well in the spot Anton so thoughtfully provided. I also have a early production unit of the ABWMK-HD100 clip on bracket, but it's really made for the DR-HD100/Firestore drives. Adds too much bulk for just a wireless receiver. The only IDX equipped unit we have is in Atlanta so I can't advise you on that combo.
Anybody thinking of doing this with a non-metal body receiver should be aware that there is a RF leak from the components plug section of the HD-100 that may interfere with your receiver. We only use metal bodied Senns so it's not a problem, but I did kill the leak by applying heavy plastic covered aluminum tape (as used by body shops) cut to fit to the inside of the plastic covers as an added precaution. Every ENG cam I have ever had has some RF leakage, and some of the prosumer models have enough to come under FCC control, so let's not mention recall :)
We are using the PortaBrace QS-ME/soft lens cap raincover combo modified with a few extra Velcro'd cutouts, as well as an added piece to the rear section to accommodate the Anton HyTRON 50/Dionic 90 form factor -- with a soft neoprene gasket for the antenna. Works with both the stock lens or the 13x3.5mm up.
I'm trying to talk PortaBrace into making a run of HD-100/Anton equipped "Shoulder Case" cam covers for us (with the built in rain cover). No luck so far. They are advising us that the cam is too small: "Shoulder cases for these tiny cameras begin to look like Swiss cheese once you allow for all the switches, etc."
Stephen L. Noe March 25th, 2006, 12:43 PM Enzo, how did you attach the Sennheiser receiver to the bracket? Any chance that you could upload a detailed photo? I have the IDX system and Sennheiser ew100, which is not the same but the IDX bracket also has threaded holes that could work for attaching the wireless receiver.
Overall it looks great! Really nicely equipped unit. What rain covers are you using? Thanks.
Completely OT:
I have the same combo with the ew100 and use the hot shoe mount for the wireless reciever, however, mounting to the IDX bracket would be better so that a camera light could take it's place on the hot shoe. BTW, I ended up getting Cool-Lux L3000's because the light pattern is perfect for HD. It is D-tap and AC (EU and USA). The only other solution (I've figured) for mounting the ew100 and keeping the hot shoe free is velcro to the endura 7s itself.
Any other ideas
Enzo Giobbé March 25th, 2006, 01:21 PM Jiri, the AB battery adapter plate has room on the inside unlike the IDX adapter. I noticed it after using the AB configuration on our previous HD100 and then just yesterday receiving our IDX kit for this new camera. I like that extra space on the AB... but you can't argue with the price of the IDX/JVC promotion either. ;)
If you figure out a good solution for the EW100 let me know, we have a few Senneiser kits as well. If nothing is out there my brother can CnC a few custom adapter plates for this, but it would take a few orders for him to bother with it.
Oh... and I like how he used the plastic piece that you remove to install the adapter plate, ours is sitting on my desk just begging to be lost forever. Enzo has the right idea, put that little bugger to work.
Daniel, you have a VERY sharp eye :)
The Senn receivers fit ALMOST perfect in the spot not occupied by the Anton HyTRON 50/Dionic 90 form factor batteries (any other Anton unit makes the camera too back heavy -- the camera will balance perfectly on your shoulder with the stock lens/Dionic 90 or the 13x3.5/HyTRON 50 combo).
The receivers are mounted securely to the bracket (not the battery!) with Velcro (on the back side only), but there is just a tiny bit of side to side play, so in looking for a slightly angled bracket in my spare parts bin, I came across a bunch of HD-100 stock battery top side brackets, hmmmmm... So I just added a vinyl bumper pad to it, screwed it into the (thoughtfully) provided bottom screw tap, and ended up with a very snug and 100% secure fit.
Necessity is always the mother of invention in this business, and as any working DP can attest to, leads to some great shots (and cam mods).
Mounting the Ultralight 2 so it would never, ever swivel was (as usual) not such an easy fix. Every broadcast outlet I know has had to apply their own fix to this continuing problem, no matter what ENG cam they are using. Nothing like pulling up the cam for a quick red carpet interview only to have the light facing the operator instead of the talent. On that subject, it would be really nice (but I don't think it's doable without adding extra cost to the camera) for the HD-100 to have a camera run circuit tied into the Anton battery tap. It's pretty much an industry standard.
Tom Valens March 25th, 2006, 01:45 PM Note: This is in response to Stephen Noe's last post on this thread, though it really probably should be it's own thread since there's little relation to the "upgrade" title of the thread.
I do documentary shooting, usually without a soundman. What I do is have two Lectrosonics UCR 100s mounted to the hotshoe - The first velcroed (Sp?) to a Sennheiser adapter plate, and the second velcroed on top of the first. Both run to the back of the camera into an XLRBP3 Studio 1 passive mixer which is velcroed to the back of my Dionic 90. The mixer runs into one audio channel of the JVC, and the camera mike Sennheiser K6 goes to the other audio channel. Although I don't usually use a camera light, I do have an adapter from Markertek ("Hot shoe Extension" RYC-037303 - $25) that allows both the camera light and the Sennheiser adapter to fit on the JVC shoe.
Enzo Giobbé March 25th, 2006, 03:39 PM OK, to get back on topic, I did a Google this morning on the HD-100 and was amazed to see how much buzz there is on the HD-100 "recall". I am sure that JVC is pretty distressed at having a positive feature of their cameras (a simple upgrade path designed in via firmware patches) named a recall instead of the feature upgrade it is.
I'm not a great overall fan of JVC (my past experiences have been truly 1st class professional cams with no better than bottom rung prosumer support), and no, we don't get free or reduced price cameras from them, but I have to say that from an engineering standpoint, the HD-100 is indeed a standout. This was confirmed by Canon Optical in Japan when I was inquiring about any possible 1/3" HD lenses they had in the works. The head design engineer there said he was pretty sure that JVC was not making much if any profit on the camera, and that they (Canon) probably couldn't produce it at that end user price. Hahaha, he was definitely an admirer.
Sure it has some problems, but I don't know of any video cam that doesn't, and that includes our $50K (without lens or accessories) Sony DVW-790WS units.
Yes the lens breathes a bit on focus rack, but so do almost all under $20K ENG lenses. The more expensive ($20 - $40K) lenses have a cammed floater optical block that adjusts for (moves with) the movement of the focus block group to keep the image size constant. Easy to design and relativily cheap to add to a built in non-removable lens, too expensive and weight adding to design into a lower price interchangeable lens designed for a light-in-weight cam. Also, no HD lenses we use (including our 2/3" & 1/2" units) are without some degree of CA. Seems to be the nature of the beast at the current stage of HD lens development. The stock HD-100 lens is about average in this regard.
SSE seems to be another big buzz word. Out of the dozen or so HD-100 units we have, only one has a slight case of SSE (being calibrated at JVC right now -- and when I dropped it off, the tech there was very courteous, friendly, and well informed, so I may have to reassess my future opinion of their tech support philosophy). None of our other units have the problem at all.
JVC had to go all out to design a camera with full native resolution chips, and the heat a full on one piece CCD block would have generated was a problem they overcame by splitting the block. I think it's a pretty amazing design feat, not a defect. The SSE phenomenon (in non well calibrated cameras) is just a trade-off to the excellent image/price point you get. They could have designed a built in fix for it by adding a continuing self adjusting balancing circuit, but not at the price point the camera is selling at. Nine of our cams are out on loan right now to CNN and Fox News crews, and no one I have talked to has complained about any SSE problems or zoom shift to me.
In the future, I hope that JVC makes the upgrade path a self-install end user feature. It's very easy to do via the SD card and the top level service menu, but I can also see why they wouldn't want to. The engineering time that goes into issuing an upgrade is worth something. It's unreasonable to expect JVC or any other camera manufacturer to keep adding features to an already purchased product without some financial compensation or incentive to do so.
Anyway, when I get our first camera back I will note the pre vs. post upgrade differences here. All our HD-100s will eventually go in for the "A" upgrade but it's mainly for the addition of the Anton Bauer "real time" display in the VF we are used to (which, as far as I can determine, no camera without the upgrade was able to do). There are also some hidden menu tweaks to the Anton real time display settings that Anton tech shared with me. I will ask Anton if it is OK to post them public.
And, OT again for a sec, has anybody else noticed that most of the high end 1080i capable HDTV (plasma and LCD) set instructions recommend running their displays in 720p mode?
Stephen L. Noe March 27th, 2006, 09:23 PM Progress report.
Camera was recieved by JVC today and it's now in the system. I sent the camera out on Monday from the Chicago area (USPS Priority w/insurance) and they've input it into the system today. I also ordered the confirmation on when the camera was recieved from the USPS, however I have not received the confirmation yet.
Progress report.
I sent an HD-100 last monday (March 20) and now it's exactly 7 days later and they've updated the camera on their website and "dispatched" it via UPS today. The tracking number and UPS information states the camera should be delivered on the 31st. If that holds true then the entire process takes 12 days when the camera is sent from Chicago...
Carl Hicks March 29th, 2006, 11:36 AM All:
Please remember that the stated 3 day turn-around goal is only if the unit is sent to the Cypress, CA facility, as the website states. If you send it to another JVC Pro service facility, it may take longer. Also, if there are any other issues that you ask to be looked at, it will take longer.
Also, remember shipping transit time to & from JVC.
Regards, Carl
Nate Weaver March 29th, 2006, 05:58 PM Well, i just got my cam back from Cypress. There's 2 new menu items now, one about battery display in LCD/VF menu (page 2), and one about how the rec trigger in the firewire stream is timed vs. the tape mech.
For curiosity's sake, here's the numbers:
sys cpu c1590 v0401
cam cpu c1591 v0203
vtr cpu c1594 v0120
enc cpu L1187 v0108
package c1615 v0202
fpga2 c1595 v0202
fpga3 c1596 v0101
fpga4 c1597 v0106
Almost all the numbers in the "V" column have incremented compared to other numbers posted on the board here. I myself wouldn't freak out if you get your camera back and have different numbers than I, I guarantee that there's more to know about this than just simply "my numbers are different, they must have screwed up".
Just FYI...
[update: I just found by holding STOP and MENU down for 5secs you can access a menu to adjust Anton Bauer battery voltage cutoffs.]
Daniel Patton March 29th, 2006, 06:36 PM Thanks Nate, I hope more people post the new firmware numbers as well.
I have been holding back from sending our camera in. I need to wait until I know we can be without, for a weeks time. Besides, none of the issues that the firmware fixes are criticle for us right now, or so I hope.
Do we have a solid list of everything that this update fixes / adds, like your new found menu items?
Carl Hicks March 29th, 2006, 08:50 PM Keep in mind that depending on when your GYHD100U was built, there are various combinations of hardware and firmware that will be installed to accomplish "A" upgrades. So, even after everyone's "A" upgrades are done, the firmware versions may not match exactly.
The goal is for everyone to have the full functionality of the "A" version, whatever that takes.
John Mitchell March 29th, 2006, 09:01 PM Keep in mind that depending on when your GYHD100U was built, there are various combinations of hardware and firmware that will be installed to accomplish "A" upgrades.
Carl can you specify whether any other hardware upgrades may be required apart from the one mentioned by Marc Colemont (in this thread) or is that "highly secret stuff"?
Carl Hicks March 29th, 2006, 09:17 PM John, I don't have specifics on the hardware updates. I'm not privy to the details on that in my position. It's nothing major, and may or may not be required, based on when the camera was built.
Daniel Patton March 29th, 2006, 09:21 PM Got it Carl, thanks for the info.
You know us anal-retentive techie camera geeks, we just like to analyze everything regardless. ;)
Thanks again for all your help this last month by the way. I have been editing down the results from that shoot for a couple weeks now. The production crew keeps praising the footage and how well of a job the JVC did. It kills me not to show it off early around here, but I ike my job too much to risk it.
Carl Hicks March 29th, 2006, 09:30 PM I look forward to seeing some samples eventually.
Nate Weaver March 29th, 2006, 11:30 PM Keep in mind that depending on when your GYHD100U was built, there are various combinations of hardware and firmware that will be installed to accomplish "A" upgrades. So, even after everyone's "A" upgrades are done, the firmware versions may not match exactly.
That's kinda what I was getting at on the tail end of my post. In one way, posting numbers for people to compare is pointless, because I highly suspected it was much more complicated than just "these are the new versions" and if you don't have them it's wrong.
So sorry for making your job more difficult that way, but I wanted to post my info just for the sake of science.
Chris Basmas March 30th, 2006, 12:20 AM From a technical point of view, if every HD100 has the same hardware components, then all hardware and firmware numbers should be the same. Otherwise is not the same camera.
Chris Hurd March 30th, 2006, 12:44 AM Sorry but no, you do not know that to be a fact.
When Carl says that the firmware versions may not match exactly, but that everyone will have whatever it takes to complete the "A" model upgrade, then we're going to take that to be true.
There may be one firmware version to get a Sep. 2005 camera upgraded to A status, there may be another version to get a Feb. 2006 camera upgraded to A status, and so on. Please, no conspiracy theories -- thanks in advance,
Chris Basmas March 30th, 2006, 01:47 AM Then the Sep.2005 camera and the Feb.2006 camera did't have the same hardware components.
But i agree the end result is what counts, and JVC
this time is serious about helping its customers.
Chris Hurd March 30th, 2006, 01:49 AM Yes inded, I'm with ya on that one.
Stephen L. Noe March 31st, 2006, 06:10 PM OK, Today the UPS carrier brought back an HD-100 to me that has been "A'd" The entire process took 12 days from Chicago. I'm wasting no time getting it back into production.
end of story....
Steven Thomas March 31st, 2006, 11:57 PM end of story....
Well, the story is not over yet Stephen :)
Let us know how it works.
Scott Jaco April 1st, 2006, 12:57 PM I just got the upgrade.
I'm very lucky to live in Los Angeles. Just went to JVC in Cypress and they had my camera back to me in 48hrs with the "A" upgrade. I'd be interested in knowing what exactly the upgrade does for me.
Manny Rodriguez April 3rd, 2006, 06:34 PM JUST TOOK IN MY CAMERA THIS MORNING, THEY ARE ALSO ACCEPTING THE BR-HD50 for the upgrade aswell... I'LL KEEP YOU GUYS POSTED
Jiri Bakala April 3rd, 2006, 06:59 PM Anything official regarding the 'upgrade' of the deck? Or just a rumor? What issues are allegedly improved/upgraded?
Manny Rodriguez April 4th, 2006, 12:37 PM Hey That Was Fast, Just Got A Call To Pick Up My Hd100, That's Fast Service...
Tim Baker April 4th, 2006, 07:24 PM Am I screwed if I don't have my original box? I have very limited space and actually have my office in my garage to let you know how little space I have so keeping boxes around is not much of an option.
Can just package it really well to send it in?
Hopefully yours,
Jiri Bakala April 4th, 2006, 07:57 PM Can just package it really well to send it in?
Yes, we did that and it came back in the same buble plastic but a bigger box with styrofoam bits.
Tim Baker April 4th, 2006, 09:12 PM Thank goodness...I was hoping that was the case.
By the by...why was I not sent a direct email by JVC? I have a registered HD100 and actually had one of the first ones sold in Florida.
I have had incredible luck with it and have seen none of the usual problems reported by others, but I would question JVC's attempt at customer service by not directly notifying us about this.
I just happened to have some time on my hands today and figured I would check out the forum since I had not been on in months and just happened to find this thread.
Anyone else find this unusual that they did not promote this to us registered purchasers?
Carl Hicks April 4th, 2006, 10:41 PM Hi Tim,
With over 12,000 units sold, a personal notification attempt would be a daunting task.
We posted full information on our website a couple of weeks ago:
We also asked our resellers to inform their customers.
With those efforts, and with the word spreading through great forums like, we hope to get the word out to every owner.
Regards, Carl
Chris Hurd April 4th, 2006, 10:45 PM Thanks, Carl -- and I agree wholeheartedly. It's the dealers who should be taking the time and effort to notify their customers. In an ideal situation, there should be a continuous relationship between the video camera customer and the dealer. The customer benefits from notifications and upgrades, etc. such as this one, and the dealer benefits from repeat business with that customer.