Joe Cooke
March 19th, 2006, 12:55 PM
I am a new GY HD-100 owner. Can someone explain the formats. What is the difference in DV-30p and HDV-sd60. What is going to give me the best video when shooting High School football from the sideline and slo-mo ing to about 30%.
Graham Hickling
March 19th, 2006, 07:26 PM
DV30p means 30 progressive frames per second, 720x480 pixel image size, downloadable off the camera as a DV-codec avi file (easy to edit).
HDV60 means 60 progreesive frames per second, downloadable off the camera as an HDV mpeg file (a bit more challenging to edit).
If the two, the latter will be much more amenable to slo-mo post-processing.