John McManimie
March 18th, 2006, 02:04 PM
The Optura 60 and Optura 600 are getting harder to find. B&H hasn't been selling either for quite a while. The Optura 60 is shown as "Not Available" at PriceGrabber. Are they already discontnued, being replaced, or are they just so popular that they are hard to find?
Robert M Wright
March 19th, 2006, 02:40 PM
If they show as "Not Available" on Price Grabber, then they probably are discontinued, since at least some of the ripoff artist "dealers" will show cameras as being available, whether or not they actually have them in stock (if still being manufactured, and in some cases even when they aren't).
Chris Hurd
March 19th, 2006, 04:39 PM
For what it's worth, Canon USA didn't have a single Optura on their camcorder counter at PMA this year (big photo trade show in Orlando last month). They had everything else though, including all four DVD camcorders.
Some folks tend to take that sort of absence as an indication that something new is about to happen to that line, but of course I wouldn't know the first thing about it. Yes they did ask me to help out at the Canon booth at PMA, but they put me over with the new LCOS projectors for the entire show.
Philip Williams
March 19th, 2006, 08:53 PM
Optura HDV!!! Ok, ok, totally unsubstantiated but how can they not release it? I know, I know, heading back to Area 51 now....