View Full Version : Cable TV Rundown sheets

Mike Cavanaugh
March 18th, 2006, 08:36 AM
Anyone know a source, preferably web, of rundown info for the various cable networks such as H&GTV, Food, Style etc?

What I'm looking for is the schedule of commercial break times in a 30 or 60 min. time slot, show content times etc.

I've heard them called rundown sheets, but that was a few years ago, the term-of-art may have changed. A typical sheet might look like:

00:00 - Open & content segment 1
03:00 - Network commercial break
04:30 - Content segment 2
10:00 - Network commercial break
11:00 - Local commercial break
12:30 - Content segment 3 etc.

Any ideas?

Don Bloom
March 24th, 2006, 08:47 AM
It seems that most of the cable and network stations/companies pretty much run the breakout to commerical at the same time-at least it seems that way when I grab the remote and flip thru ;-)

How about contacting the local cable station(s) and asking them-at least that way you should be in the ballpark.


Matt Ockenfels
March 25th, 2006, 06:36 PM

Have a look at these for ideas...


Mike Cavanaugh
March 28th, 2006, 09:35 AM

Thank you, those are useful blank forms. I think I'll adapt some of them for my use.

What I was looking for, but probably didn't describe very well was the station/networks requirements for segments and commercial breaks. Still looking...

Shane Ross
March 28th, 2006, 08:08 PM
Those aren't typically found online. They are handed out by the various networks to the clients that need them. And they really do vary from network to network.