View Full Version : HC1-CinemaEffect on powerup?

Don Blish
March 17th, 2006, 01:43 PM
I am interested in using the "Cinema Effect" and AspectHD to get CF24 as described in other posts. So I set it in effects, turned off the camera, went outside for some tests, came back to capture...only to find frame exports have the usual heavy interlacing on fast pans. On investegation, I see the on-screen icon for having engaged the effect, but it seems the "effect" evaporates everytime the camera is turned off! The effect may as well as be useless if it must be set every time. Anybody know how to make it a powerup default?

Riley Harmon
March 17th, 2006, 10:46 PM
you may just have to enable it everytime, aspecthd takes the interlacing out with a pulldown on live capture

Damien Benoit
March 22nd, 2006, 01:24 PM
Its obvious that putting an effect on takes it off when you shut down. Thats why its called an effect. its not regular video..... hhmmmmm Though i get what you are saying that you want it on there everytime. your gonna have to settle with enabling it everytime.

Timothy Stidham
March 25th, 2006, 02:51 PM
One nice feature with the HC1 is being able to customize the onscreen menu. Just make picture effects the top menu choice and it may ease the pain.