View Full Version : New, and having trouble making a post? Read this.

Chris Hurd
January 23rd, 2003, 07:24 PM
Just another reminder that this board requires real names as usernames, plus location, and a valid e-mail address. We don't allow fake names or anonymous "handles." We are validating only those registrations submitted with a REAL NAME and location.

By "real name," we mean your full first and last name, your actual name that appears on your driver's license, and not just one you made up. First name and last initial is not valid. Company names are not valid. Registrations using first name, last initial are deleted without notification. Company names are also deleted without notification.

User names on DV Info Net follow the conventional style of "John Smith" and not johnsmith, JohnSmith, or john_smith; and without numbers or special characters. If you're not comfortable posting under your real name, then please do not register. You'll still be able to search and read the message boards.

All new user accounts are validated by hand, by a live human being (that's me) and any registrations using "handles" or incomplete names simply aren't activated. If you're one of these folks, contact me at to get squared away.

Because we're strictly a real-names-only community, a member can have only one account with one user name. Multiple accounts are prohibited and are locked out as we find them.

Also, we require a valid e-mail address from you. Upon registration, a confirmation message is sent to the e-mail address you specified. This message *must* be replied to, as doing so confirms that the e-mail address you entered is legitimate. There's no need to worry about spam; it's impossible for spammers to harvest addresses from this board and we don't send out unsolicited e-mail blasts. The only e-mail you receive from the board are our newsletters and those notifications you yourself choose to subscribe to.

So, to re-cap, here's what it takes to post on the boards:

-- your real name (in the form of John Smith and not john_smith or johnsmith or JOHN SMITH)
-- your location (city, state... and country if not U.S.A.)
-- a valid e-mail address

Follow those guidelines, and you're in quickly and easily. Hope this helps and many thanks,