View Full Version : Lens Adapter for HD100 finished.

Ted Ramasola
March 14th, 2006, 12:37 PM

Just want to share that I finished modifying the medium format lens adapter I made for my DVX and made it fit the HD100.

The results were great. I'll just finish attaching the battery housing and I'll post photos or footage asap.

1st observation is. compared when it was on the DVX, the HD footage from the JVC is much much better. The resolution and low noise quality of the HD100 helped in producing great images.

The problem of lens breathing when racking focus is solved when using a lens adapter.

The shallow DOF is an added "trick up your sleeve" when using this camera which is otherwise hard to achieve.

This adapter is the spinning GG type.

Marc Colemont
March 14th, 2006, 12:49 PM
Love to see some pictures. Do you still use the stock lens on it?

Ian E. Pearson
March 15th, 2006, 05:25 PM
It used medium format lenses? Like 60mm? Thats friggin cool man. So the depth of field would be even more shallow than a mini35 or something right?

Ted Ramasola
March 15th, 2006, 06:42 PM

I'm using the lenses of our mamiya 645 camera. We have the 80mm originally intended for "glamour portraits" in our photography department, and the 45 mm wide. The 80 mm can go to f1.9 so we can get GREAT looking shallow dof. I've finished testing the unit last night and even mounted the HD100 and lens adapter on a mini skater that I made and we got good results.

Ted Ramasola
March 17th, 2006, 04:08 AM
Ok guys,

Here it is,

A pic of the HD100 and DIY DOF120 adapter

HD100 and DOF120 mounted on a DIY mini Skater

A frame grab.

If you have problems with the links above, go here;

I have sample footage about 33mb in size, If anyone is interested, please tell me ideas where to post it.

MODs if i'm double posted please feel free to remove this thread. I also posted at alternative imaging but since this is HD100 specific, I thought I should also post it here for HD100 owners.

Ted Ramasola
March 18th, 2006, 01:46 PM
I checked my camera settings and realized my mistake.
The images were too soft because I lowered the detail settings.
I didnt WB after changing to the lens adapter.
The following images were achieved with detail set to 1.
I used Paolo's true color scn file and Tim's gamma settings.

Here are new frame grabs.
from a 80mm:

from a 45mm with the camera moved forward to achieve the same framing
of the subject:

and without the adapter with the stock lens at full open.

To go to the web page with all the images click below;

Timothy McLin
March 21st, 2006, 06:46 PM
Thanks for the pics Ted. I'm impressed with the results you've achieved, do you plan on either selling the adaptor or providing instructions to make it?

John Mitchell
March 22nd, 2006, 12:56 AM
Hey Ted looks like some pretty nasty CA I see on the JPEGs using the adapter?

I like the results but perhaps the weak link is the lack of a decent relay lens? Looks mechanically very sound.

Ted Ramasola
March 22nd, 2006, 05:02 AM
Your right John, I'm still testing with a single higher power close up as compared to a stack of 3. The stacking and wide opening on the part of the camera iris seem to exaggerate this effect.