View Full Version : FX1P to FX1E. Possible?

Alex Leith
March 12th, 2006, 06:44 AM
I know there are various threads discussing this, but I couldn't find anything conclusive.

If I wanted to switch an FX1P from NTSC to PAL, can I do it? I understand that it is theoretically possible. But practically speaking, is the firmware available to let me do this?

Thanks for any insight.

John Jay
March 12th, 2006, 11:19 AM
The service manual lists the NVRAM data for both NTSC & PAL, it also requires a service remote and a stack of test equipment, so in theory I would say yes with the caviat that I know of none that have tried and succeeded. My only concern is whether the clock/oscillator speed is changeable

Your first port of call would be to get the service manual and ask a video engineer his/her opinion.

Alex Leith
March 12th, 2006, 04:25 PM
Thanks John.