View Full Version : Cutting Room floor clips

Stephen L. Noe
March 11th, 2006, 04:35 PM
Hi guys and gals,

This is a VO lipsync that didn't make it in. Click here for m2t (36MB) ( I've also encoded some other web files for this for you. Windows Media HD (20MB) ( and for the Mac people in the house, the best I can muster is Sorenson 3 Click here for MOV (20MB) (

Particulars about the camera settings (two HD-100's both with same settings):

F 2.8
WB 3200
Scene File Used: PANAMATCH (

Keep Shooting!!

Steven Thomas
March 12th, 2006, 06:58 AM
Looks great Stephen.
Thanks for the scene file!

Marc Colemont
March 12th, 2006, 08:32 AM
Looks awesome!
Which settings did you used?

Steven Thomas
March 12th, 2006, 09:03 AM
Stephen, has a link to his setting file in his post above:

Marc Colemont
March 13th, 2006, 04:33 AM
Thanks, I should buy new glasses...

Tim Dashwood
March 15th, 2006, 04:14 PM

Do you have the recipe for this one?

Also, can you explain what "PanaMatch" refers to? Is it a matching setting for Panasonic Varicam, HVX or DVX? If so, what settings were used on the other camera to make them both match?

Ian E. Pearson
March 17th, 2006, 07:56 PM
did you do any post work or cc to this clip? I would totally have horrible SSE slashing a clip this dark in two pieces.

Stephen L. Noe
March 17th, 2006, 09:25 PM
did you do any post work or cc to this clip? I would totally have horrible SSE slashing a clip this dark in two pieces.
@ Ian, That's raw off the camera. If you have SSE you really need to get your camera calibrated.


"PanaMatch" is pretty d@mn close to "Movie-Like" on a DVC30. I'll screenshot the settings and send them to you for addition to the scene file thread.

David Chapman
April 6th, 2006, 08:39 PM
I think the link is down. I can't get to the settings.

Maybe I need glasses too? (smile)

Giuseppe Pugliese
April 8th, 2006, 02:29 PM
The clip is not working for me, when i click the link it goes to a page with a bunch of random text and thats it. I'm running XP with firefox, any help?

(edit) Its firefox... damn you firefox! ... runs on IE, so i just swiched, nevermind :-P

Jiri Bakala
April 8th, 2006, 06:05 PM
Those links have to be DOWNLOADED. They don't just open in a browser. And, I believe, that the PANAMATCH file comes as a txt extension that has to altered (txt removed) to be usable as a scene file.

Luis Otero
April 19th, 2006, 09:16 PM
I cannot download the scene file! My computer stalls whenever I try to do it. Any pointers? Any written recipe of the settings?



Stephen L. Noe
April 19th, 2006, 10:46 PM
Hi Luis,

I click on the panamatch link and windows ask me to save the file. Are you using a Mac? With windows, just right click and "save as".

I've added some screenshots of the menu layout's Click here for image (

BTW: Another m2t file created with "Panamatch" can be found by clicking Here (

Paolo Ciccone
April 19th, 2006, 11:56 PM
The clip is not working for me, when i click the link it goes to a page with a bunch of random text and thats it. I'm running XP with firefox, any help?

(edit) Its firefox... damn you firefox! ... runs on IE, so i just swiched, nevermind :-P

Giuseppe, it is actually a problem with the Web server, not the browser. When the file is sent to the browser it should be identified as a binary type, that is responsibility of the server. If the information is missing the browser takes a guess and it might assume that it is text and it will try to display it in the page. Right click and select "Save Link As..."

Mark Silva
April 20th, 2006, 11:47 AM
stephen did you encode the wmv with windows media 10?

I can't get it to run with version 9.

Big thanks for the scene file btw. :)

Marc Colemont
October 24th, 2006, 07:55 AM
Hi Luis,

I click on the panamatch link and windows ask me to save the file. Are you using a Mac? With windows, just right click and "save as".

I've added some screenshots of the menu layout's Click here for image (

BTW: Another m2t file created with "Panamatch" can be found by clicking Here (

I try to checkout the Panamatch.scn, and the m2t file to see the Skin tone function used. But there is still no access to the files or gif file. The links are still dead. Does somebody else has a link for it?

Stephen L. Noe
October 26th, 2006, 07:12 AM
I try to checkout the Panamatch.scn, and the m2t file to see the Skin tone function used. But there is still no access to the files or gif file. The links are still dead. Does somebody else has a link for it?
Hi Marc,

Here is the link to the scene file:

Click Here (

All the other supporting video has long since been taken down.

Take care,


Robin Hemerik
April 11th, 2007, 04:07 PM
Hi Marc,

Here is the link to the scene file:

Click Here (

All the other supporting video has long since been taken down.

Take care,


Ah, thanks for that. I was already looking for a working link.

Frank Bieber
June 9th, 2007, 07:11 AM
Can someone please post a textual description of the settings for this panamatch scene file or could someone post a gif or screengrab of what the settings are?

Stephen L. Noe
June 9th, 2007, 10:19 AM
Can someone please post a textual description of the settings for this panamatch scene file or could someone post a gif or screengrab of what the settings are?

Here you go....