View Full Version : Dvc5 Begins! Theme Anouncement Here!

Dylan Couper
March 9th, 2006, 11:17 AM
DVC5 is now officially underway!
Ok, I said I would post the theme tonight, but I'm excited about getting this going, so here you are, a freebie...



Here's a little twist in the spirit of Lady X.

You must use your city/town/countryside as a backdrop!

Closing date for the competition is April 8th. This gives you a full month (mostly because that is when I get back from Africa). This will allow you to scout locations and wait for good weather as needed. I'm curious to see how much better quality (if any) your films will have with all this time to prepare.
So by midnight PST of April 8th, you must have your film up on the web, in a format viewable by everyone (I suggest not using free download sights that make people wait to watch), and the link to it sitting happily in my inbox at
PLEASE, make the subject of the email: DVC5 ENTRY - "your name" - "title of the film"

Running time is extended to a full five minutes. Your film doesn't have to run that long, but it is there if you want it. I'd still prefer to see three minute films.

And what will you be battling for?
How about a 30gb video Ipod, as donated by Guy Cochran and !!!


Sean McHenry
March 9th, 2006, 11:41 AM
I get the twist and that's fine and all BUT, how long a shot counts as using the cityscape (etc.) as a background image? If I use a shot with it in the background for 5 seconds and the video is 5 minutes, does that count or does the background need to be there for all the shots - which would make it pretty challenging but I already have an idea or two. Suitably dark mind you...

Actually, re-reading it, it doesn't really say it has to be in the shot so just a mention of the town the video takes place in might cover it nicely. What say you oh great and powerful Oz , er, Dylan.

Sean McHenry

Hugo Pinto
March 9th, 2006, 11:57 AM

Now, let me see how far can I stretch the Reflections theme in such a way that it becomes something more interesting than putting in a mirror? ;)

Gotta work it out.


Mark Utley
March 9th, 2006, 12:35 PM
By "you must use your city/town/countryside as a backdrop", do you mean it must literally be the backdrop or the movie just has to take place there? I'm guessing the latter.

That's a very generous donation by Guy!

Derek Lewis
March 9th, 2006, 12:40 PM
So, do you mean reflections in the physical/visual sense, or the mental/spoken word sense? Or is that left up to us?

Chris Barcellos
March 9th, 2006, 12:45 PM
Nice one.....

By the way, everyone asking the Q's-- you will see by the other contest results that the "theme requirement" has been given a wide latitude.... Make your film and enjoy it !!

Dylan Couper
March 9th, 2006, 01:22 PM
By the way, everyone asking the Q's-- you will see by the other contest results that the "theme requirement" has been given a wide latitude.... Make your film and enjoy it !!

Well put.

How about I just say this, the more you incorporate the theme and the twist, the better you will do. How you interpret "reflections" is up to you, but the more creatively you apply it to your short, the better you will do.

If you use one 5 second shot of your town, and then barely mention it, I would consider it a poor use of the twist. If all your scenes were shot in and around the major attractions of your city, I would consider that a very good use of it. If you combine both the theme and the twist into one story, you may have a winner.

Edward Slonaker
March 9th, 2006, 01:27 PM
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy....this is perfect. I've already got the music laid out, I got my talent lined if we could just get some @#$% RAIN! I'd be set....

Thanks, Dylan! (and Guy for donating such a cool prize!!!)

Scott Cozad
March 9th, 2006, 01:33 PM
I really need to steal someone's idea, so I'll need everyone to send an outline of their movie to me at no later than Saturday at midnight.

Please also include a brief history and motivation for each character. Let's say no more than four pages per character.

Seriously, I just wanted to say that I am very happy to be a part of DVC5. I look at this as a fantastic learning experience. Good luck to all.

Let's get it started!

Steve Shilson
March 9th, 2006, 01:44 PM
I have no idea what I'm doing yet but I'm excited. . .nice work Dylan.

Phillip Jackson
March 9th, 2006, 02:04 PM
Reflections sounds fun :)

Ideas are flowing and with lots of time to get this one done i just might be able to find some actors :)

Tyler Baptist
March 9th, 2006, 02:20 PM
I got an idea! Now to just work it to the bone, and getting it all organized and laid out.

Kris Holodak
March 9th, 2006, 05:10 PM
In my town I think the challenge is going to be avoiding the cliche.


Mike Teutsch
March 9th, 2006, 05:15 PM
In my town I think the challenge is going to be avoiding the cliche.


What a town to have to work with! Put all of the cliches to work for you!

Good luck,


Dennis Khaye
March 9th, 2006, 11:11 PM
Sweet, thanks for the hard work Dylan, stay safe in Afrika. Good luck to everybody.

Aaron Koolen
March 11th, 2006, 06:02 PM
Hey Dylan, or anyone else. Is the 5 minute timelimit including credits or not?
My idea is going to have to squeeze every last second out of it I think.


Mike Teutsch
March 11th, 2006, 07:34 PM
Hey Dylan, or anyone else. Is the 5 minute timelimit including credits or not?
My idea is going to have to squeeze every last second out of it I think.


Hey Aaron,

I would think that the 5 minutes is with the credits. I pushed the envelope with my last and was criticized for it by another entrant, so try to stay within the time. Edit, edit, edit!

I wish I had made it into the first like you! Go for it, and make it good!


Dylan Couper
March 11th, 2006, 10:18 PM
Aaron, it'll include the credits, but no one is going to count seconds if you run a couple over.

John Hewat
March 12th, 2006, 06:44 PM
Although I doubt I'll stand a chance, I'm curious to know whether that prize is available to contestants from outside the U.S.? Specifically Australia.

-- John.

Mike Teutsch
March 12th, 2006, 06:58 PM
Although I doubt I'll stand a chance, I'm curious to know whether that prize is available to contestants from outside the U.S.? Specifically Australia.

-- John.


Not sure if you are signed up yet, but if you are you sure can win. The last prize we offered, DV Challenge #3 ( a camera), was won by a entry from Saguenay, Québec, Canada. No prejudice here. I hope you are already in though, as we went over 60 entries, and that is all that our no-pay volunteer judges can handle.

I'm still thinking about adding a prize myself, so keep thinking!


Oh, I checked and you are in! I'm going to add my prise!

Good Luck!


John Hewat
March 12th, 2006, 09:37 PM
Oh, I checked and you are in! I'm going to add my prise!

Good Luck!


Thanks for that! And I'll give a special thanks for having a competition that does extend to us foreigners - usually we're left out of these fun things.

Andrew Khalil
March 13th, 2006, 12:06 AM
Hey Dylan, quick question about the twist:
My profile says I live in Misssisauga (which I do) but I spend most of my time on my university campus north of Toronto and it's pretty much a home most of the week, is it okay if I use that instead of my actual neighbourhood?

Steve Shilson
March 13th, 2006, 12:25 AM
Although it's not my place to say. . .I'm pretty sure that that would be more than okay.

Dylan Couper
March 13th, 2006, 01:22 AM
Hey Dylan, quick question about the twist:
My profile says I live in Misssisauga (which I do) but I spend most of my time on my university campus north of Toronto and it's pretty much a home most of the week, is it okay if I use that instead of my actual neighbourhood?

No problem!

John Hewat
DVC #1 was won by Aaron Koolen from New Zealand (correct me if I'm wrong, y'all), so yeah, you bet you can win! I don't think Guy will have a problem shipping to you.