View Full Version : Rode videomic

Henk Trijny
March 9th, 2006, 08:06 AM
Does someone know if and when there is a stereo version of the Rode videomic available?
There was a rumour a little wile ago, so I am curious.

Guy Bruner
March 9th, 2006, 10:12 AM
They are working on it. We thought they would release it in February, but decided to delay for some reason. I suspect they are reworking the aesthetics of the design as the version we saw looked like one of the early Startrek pistol phasers.

Henk Trijny
March 25th, 2006, 02:33 PM
Thanks Guy for the reply.
I just ordered the Rode videomic.
Later if a stereo version will be available I have to think it over.

Henk Trijny

David Ennis
March 25th, 2006, 02:47 PM
You won't regret getting the mono VideoMic even after you get the stereo version. Often you will want mono rather than stereo, and the VideoMic is a solid performer.

I think Rode is pretty smart to position itself as the leader in bringing high quality sound to mics affordable by the masses. Good timing. The masses are begiinning to obtain access to high quality video and are asking about sound.

Edward Slonaker
March 25th, 2006, 05:52 PM
I've had my VideoMic for a couple months now. Don't forget to order the "DeadCat" wind muff with it. I love it! Works beautifully.

Mike Cavanaugh
March 27th, 2006, 01:36 PM
I'm a believer! On a last minute - no options available basis I had to shoot a variety show last Saturday night. The audio guy couldn't give me a feed, the sound level was BOOMING, and the nearest I could get was 75-100' back from the stage. The performers were singing with a great 15 piece big band and their mics were run through a mixer, mixed with the band mics and put out over PA speakers mounted above the center of the stage. This was in a high school auditorium.

I had about 45 min to set up 2 cameras, power cables and set up a mic. There was no time for a sound check since the house was already filling. I put my Rode Videomic on the camera, set levels during the first number and never touched it again.

I was expecting crap. I got very usable sound. A bit hollow due to the distance, but far, far better than what i have gotten with other mics and a million times better than on-camera mics. If I had it to do over in similar circumstances, the only difference would have been to mount the mic on a stand so camera movement didn't change the mic axis.

Ty Ford
March 27th, 2006, 04:27 PM
Yah. Exceptional quality for that little bugger. The only problem I have had is doing handheld camera work. I can hear the VideoMic wiggling around in the suspension mount.


Ty Ford

David Ennis
March 27th, 2006, 06:21 PM
Yes a lot of handling noise. Maybe the combination of high sensitivity and the low mass of the plasic housing?

Anyway, if I have it mounted on a cam which is on a tripod, if I lightly tap the pan handle, in my phones I hear a thump like the sound of tapping a phonograph cartridge needle with your finger (for those of you who remember...)

Mike Cavanaugh
March 27th, 2006, 10:19 PM
I'm listening to the playback right now as I digitize the tapes - handling noise is minimal (though with the high volume of the band, it could be masked) I do hear a slight difference when I turn the camera/mic off center from where the speakers are - but overall, as I said above, I'm impressed!

Peter Jefferson
March 28th, 2006, 12:13 AM
i think iv made enough comments on this video mic to not repeat myself here..

lets jstu say there are other options out there which perform as well, if not better than this particualr unit

Trevar Mazza
March 28th, 2006, 10:01 PM
Will I need a mini-plug extender in order to plug the Rode VideoMic into the miniplug on the back of the Beachtek Adapter? I have a VX2100 and need to run the Rode on one channel and have my G2100 Receiver connected to the other. I'm getting ready to purchase the Rode and I'm not sure if I should order the cable extender in order for it to make the reach.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Guy Bruner
March 29th, 2006, 07:57 AM
You would be better off getting the 3.5 to XLR adapter RODE makes for the VM (VXLR). Then, you can run the VM into one of your XLR jacks for one channel and the GS2100 into the aux jack for the other channel (or mix them if you want).

David Ennis
March 29th, 2006, 08:15 AM
I second Guy's recommendation. If you use the Beachtek's Aux jack, you'll need a stereo to mono mini plug adapter. This will stick out and can create leverage against the metal contacts in the jack in the event of an accidental pull, defeating the purpose of the Rode's angled plug. The XLR connector is much more robust.

But you won't need an extension. The coiled lead on the mic is plenty long enough when mounted on the VX2100 to reach the Beach. It's kind of tight and springy though, so I stretched mine out to relax it. Run it down on the right side so you don't bump or rub it when focusing, because, as noted above, you would hear that in your recording.

Trevar Mazza
March 29th, 2006, 10:39 AM
Excellent feedback, thank you much.

Henk Trijny
March 31st, 2006, 01:04 PM
The Rode just arrived, I could not wait to hook it up.
First impression wow what a wonderful sounding mic for that price.
Secondly I noticed that you have to gain down the pana almost to zero in order not to oversteer the soundlevel meter.
Does anybody encounter the same problem?
I have the pana MX 500 , I believe the DV 953 in U.S.
In the menu NO AGC or should I use the AGC on instead?

regards henk trijny

Henk Trijny
June 1st, 2006, 03:35 AM
ok things are sorted out now.
I 've got the Beachtek DXA 2 older model.
Dvestore got one on their shelves, exellent bargain.
Now I can use the Rode Videomic in manual mode whithout oversteering the soundlevel.

henk trijny