View Full Version : DVC shirts, donations and such...

Dylan Couper
March 6th, 2006, 12:30 AM
Ok, I've had half a dozen emails from people wanting to donate some cash to DVC5 and I told everyone to wait, and I'd put a thread up about it, and T-shirts, by the end of the weekend. Time is getting short, so here it is!

First, if you would like to donate to The DV Challenge, I would love to accept your money. It usually goes to website, t-shirts, and scotch. This time, it is going to help establish the DV Challenge at NAB! This actually means just flying me down to Vegas so I can get Rob Lohman hammered and we can crash whatever shows we can wearing DVC shirts.
If you'd like to make a donation, I will post pictures of Rob or myself passed out behind the Eiffel Tower at Paris.
My Paypal address is:
Donate any amount you like, it all helps!

If you would like to buy a t-shirt...
First, a picture of the new DVC shirt!

Pimp, eh? These badboys cost considerably more than the first ones, the shirts are very, very nice and Keith Loh juiced up the logo. I don't remember what the "suggested donation" (I'm such a ho) for the shirts were last time. Does $30 + shipping sound right?

I still have 4 of the now extremely hard to find "classic" DVC shirts left. 2 Med, and 2 XL. Since they are just taking up space here, I'd love to send them to you for $20 + shipping each.
From the last shirts, shipping prices were something like:
$6 to the USA
$8 to Canada and Europe
Yes, I'm in Canada, and yes, it costs more to ship within Canada than it does to the US. No, I don't know why. No, it doesn't make any sense, I know. :)

Shirts are first come first serve. I have S, M, L, XL all in black this time. Not too many of each of the popular sizes. Shipping will probably happen after the challenge ends (cause I'll be going crazy during).
That's it! Got questions? Post them, or email them to me at


Andrew Todd
March 6th, 2006, 12:34 AM
are those canuck prices?

Dylan Couper
March 6th, 2006, 12:37 AM
Negative, those are good old $US. However, there's only 15% difference these days so it is almost the same.

Aaron Koolen
March 7th, 2006, 03:34 PM
Hey, I just looked at the shirt, and I was wondering, is there a URL on it anywhere? Would be a good idea no?


Sean McHenry
March 7th, 2006, 04:34 PM
Still waiting for the thongs Dylan... Actually, you might not want to post a pic of the thong. Depends on the model I suppose.


Dylan Couper
March 7th, 2006, 08:42 PM
Hey, I just looked at the shirt, and I was wondering, is there a URL on it anywhere? Would be a good idea no?

I realized that mistake about 4 seconds after picking them up from the printers. Was hoping no one would say anything. :)

I'd blame Keith if I could, but can't so I wont.

Aaron Koolen
March 7th, 2006, 11:41 PM
Yeah bummer, but they're pretty funky, and it will get people coming up to you and asking what it's all about.

Dylan, where is the official thread where we're notified of the theme?


Dylan Couper
March 8th, 2006, 01:10 AM
It'll be posted on start day, which is coming up FAST! :)

Rob Lohman
March 18th, 2006, 06:35 AM
Thanks for the promise of getting me hammered @ NAB Dylan, I'll have to keep you to that :)

Put me down for one of those old (besides the new one) shirts as well!

See you there ;)