View Full Version : Can FLASH 8 animations be used on video produced in Final Cut Express?

Rey Soares
March 5th, 2006, 05:20 PM
Hello friends!
I have been thinking about the graphics TV stations use and some other very talented professionals when producing their videos.
I work with Final Cut Express (ready to upgrade it to PRO) and would like to know if animations/moviments produced with FLASH 8 can be used in Final Cut.
Whould its quality be good to be used with videos produced with XL1-S?
I know there is a varity of options out there, but I am wondering if FLASH is one of them, because I am ready to enroll in a FLASH class to learn the software, but can't waste time if the software can not be used in FC during post-production...

Thanks a bunch!


Nik Hanselmann
March 14th, 2006, 12:14 PM
Hi Rey,

Yes, you can use animations from Flash in Final Cut Pro. You just have to export animations in flash as a .mov file. It works great, I did it for a project a while back.

Rey Soares
March 14th, 2006, 02:53 PM
Thank you so much!
I am learning flash now to be able to use it on Final Cut.
