Paulo Teixeira
March 4th, 2006, 08:19 PM
I know this camcorder have been mentioned here before but I want to know if any of you have any more information about it is such as release date, etc.
View Full Version : JVC Everio HDV camcorder Paulo Teixeira March 4th, 2006, 08:19 PM I know this camcorder have been mentioned here before but I want to know if any of you have any more information about it is such as release date, etc. Ken Hodson March 5th, 2006, 04:07 PM There has been no HDV Everio announced by JVC. I think you have your facts mixed up. John McManimie March 5th, 2006, 05:55 PM What little information there was on this was discussed here: Ken Hodson March 6th, 2006, 05:56 PM Everything appears to be spun off of a one paragraph TechDigest article, and proliferated in these very forums. JVC has not officially announced anything. They are due for a HD1/10 replacement though. Usually JVC doesn't make any big secrets of what is comming out, and so far JVC has said nothing. This brings up another question. HDV is a tape standard. What will the HDD varient be called? Robert M Wright March 6th, 2006, 06:26 PM I'd like to see JVC produce an HDV camera that's essentially a hybrid of the HD10 and HD100. 3 1/3" CCDs, handheld (or shoulder mount would be okay too), fixed lens, AF, OIS, and closer to the HD100 for image acquisition control (none of that no simultaneous control of manual iris and shutter sort of stuff). Essentially, something akin to the FX1/Z1, but 720p native rather than 1080i. Wayne Morellini March 10th, 2006, 05:25 AM As you can see there are a couple of different articles there with differing information, and the picture of the thing. The delay is curious though, we noted a run down in HD1 stock some months ago (see the HD1/10 forum). There are a couple of threads on it, and I mentioned one guy that was at a JVC event where they told the audience that it was coming soon (that was around the 3rd quarter of last year). Of course, they could be holding out for NAB or latter (why?). Similarly, at a recent event I had a chance to talk to Sony and it's dealer reps privately, I was told that there were new cameras to be released at NAB (Take that as unconfirmed). My wish list, uncompressed HDMI, XDCAM HD, or better codec (10bit+ 50Mb/s+/or H264), sensor performance of 60-96db s/n, and 10+ stop latitude, 720p or true 1920*1080p with F1.2 lens, and full manual controls.... Hold it, I got to slap myself back into reality. Well manual controls, better codec and a sensor/lens that has better latitude than the A1 and low light than the z1, that would be great (though, a Cypress Fillfactory IBIS5a with custom filter, or smaller low end Altasens would also be great ;) ). Ken Hodson March 10th, 2006, 12:44 PM better codec? Wayne Morellini March 11th, 2006, 09:26 AM Anything they like, but there is a h264 codec camera chip due out this month, and it has mid bit-rate, so 25Mb/s might be feasible (and yes, I know they aren't really going to abandon HDV, but a new version of HDV based on it would be nice). I am only giving the market observers a hint, rather than, eek, we give you HDV720p with new version of HD1 chip, with semi auto controls (please pass the HC1/3 please) camera ( I believe we should ask for what we want and at the price we want before we get what we don't want). Ken Hodson March 11th, 2006, 02:34 PM Editing applications would need to support it. Thats the only real hold back. Considering the size and scope of HDV, as of yet only one application, AspectHD on the PC side, supports all of the HDV modes. One can see that new codecs aren't absorbed very quickly as far as NLE's go. Dan Euritt March 11th, 2006, 04:31 PM Editing applications would need to support it. worst case, it wouldn't be any different than the present "solution" of having to re-encode all raw hdv footage before you can edit it. the real problem is that there are licensing issues and hardware support issues with new codecs... in particular, nobody is going to do anything without new silicon for the cameras. that is finally happening with h.264, and it's going to be very interesting... camera manufacturers could keep on using the same tape drives that they are presently using for dv and hdv, just feed the drives a new h.264 data stream instead. Ken Hodson March 11th, 2006, 04:50 PM Long live mini-DV. The last tape format. A mp4 HDV2 on mini-DV would bring many smiles. Wayne Morellini March 12th, 2006, 04:30 AM The editing situation is similar to what we had with the JVC HD1/10. At that stage, it shipped with a less than desired HDV software, but others followed, because it was the way the industry would move. At the moment h264 is the consumer target for the future with many products planned to support it, so h264 should be under consideration by a number of companies (I even was looking at a 8 channel h264 capture board for security cameras yesterday). Silicon, look at: This is a very advanced integrated camera codec chip, it will do above 15Mb/s, there is a professional model ($1000 from a report). Even though it is decked out for a camera, I estimate it should easily go onto a PCI card, USB2.0, or main board, for editing and capture, or h264 HDTV (I don't know if there is any plans for this, but there is Mpeg 4 HD aimed for Europe, and cable can use anything they want). I have not approached the company, but I have approached a few people to test out there interest in a component/HDMI HD capture unit (I was aiming for low compression visually lossless like cineform does) but people really aren't that alert. The thing is that if a reference board is available with standard software, then 99% of the work has been done already by somebody else, all you then have to worry about is contract manufacturing it in volume. But the truth is that, depending on price and size of reference board, that once somebody does it, they may just be able to order the reference board in a batch at a discount and repackage it with a drive and component/HDMI ports. There is more unrealised functionality that could be added, but I'm keeping that to myself. One manufacturer is closer than the other two (by the December news reports) with a HD camera, see the news threads I posted about it, and March is the availability of the chip. The Japanese were reported to be very impressed. I am not saying that JVC would do this, but it would be good if they had a change of heart and did ;). Such a codec would be more suitable to a hard drive rather than tape. I wonder, should I post the h264 capture idea to alternative imaging, now that I have revealed what I "was" doing in the background? Thanks Wayne. Paulo Teixeira March 19th, 2006, 09:10 PM I’m sorry I took so long to finally respond to this article even though I was the one who started it. I’m the type of person that always knows which type of camcorders from which companies that are coming out but this camcorder by JVC has left me in the cold. I mean you can’t find anything useful on the internet about this camcorder. JVC is definitely doing a wonderful job keeping this camcorder under warps. Wayne Morellini, Thats good news to hear. Let me take a guess, a 3 chip ¼ inch camcorder that is the same size category with the Canon GL2 and the Panasonic DVC30. OH an 3 CMOS Ken Hodson March 20th, 2006, 12:29 AM Exactly the point. There has never been anything released by JVC saying there would be a HDV Everio. The big deal with the Everio, which JVC is marketing quite hard, is it is a HDD based cam which records to a form of mpeg2. Some people took this to mean HDV which it is not. JVC has never been quiet about any of its HD cams. We will know about any new ones long befor release. Chris Hurd March 20th, 2006, 01:48 AM Some folks might not be clear on the concept: if it doesn't use tape, then it ain't HDV. From the official HDV consortium web site at (2) License of HDV trademarks HDV and HDV logo will be licensed only to the tape drive products which can record and play video cassette compliant to the HDV Format (HDV Tapes). The HDV trademarks may not be used on any products without a such tape drive. While JVC might produce an Everio camcorder using a digital video codec similar to HDV, they most certainly will not brand it as an "HDV camcorder" because its lack of a tape transport clearly prohibits them from doing so. There will be no such thing as a disk-based or drive-based HDV camcorder. Hope this helps, Ken Hodson March 20th, 2006, 11:01 AM This brings up another question. HDV is a tape standard. What will the HDD varient be called? Good point Chris. I mentioned this earlier in the thread. I don't think we have to worry about it though. No cam has been anounced. Just some bad translation/reporting and a few over zealous potential customers. Douglas Spotted Eagle March 20th, 2006, 11:26 AM I don't think we have to worry about it though. No cam has been anounced. . You likely *won't* see a 25Mbps MPEG 2 non-tape format camera announced in this particular space for a long, long time. The main benefit of HDV is that manufacturers can take advantage of current manufacturing lines and technology to leverage the development they've done based around DV. It's in no one's best interest (manufacturing side) to deviate from this course for a while. Sony and Canon have made it pretty clear they're staying this course for a while, I'd wager on at least 3 years at minimum. Wayne Morellini March 21st, 2006, 11:39 AM Wayne Morellini, Thats good news to hear. Let me take a guess, a 3 chip ¼ inch camcorder that is the same size category with the Canon GL2 and the Panasonic DVC30. OH an 3 CMOS No idea what is coming, but at $799, I imagine the Ambarella based cameras are going to be one chip flash (unless JVC or one of the other name brands does it). Wayne Morellini March 21st, 2006, 12:08 PM Exactly the point. There has never been anything released by JVC saying there would be a HDV Everio. The big deal with the Everio, which JVC is marketing quite hard, is it is a HDD based cam which records to a form of mpeg2. Some people took this to mean HDV which it is not. JVC has never been quiet about any of its HD cams. We will know about any new ones long befor release. The camera was seen, photographed, and I forget where ever there was some press release associated with it, or wherever they got additional information on the spot from JVC reps (realising there seems to be two articles revealing different additional information). The camera photographed is not a current model (JVC has also just released their new Everios, article at Techdigest in the UK?, and no Everio like this). There was also a member post I linked to, from before the articles, who had been at a dealers conference where they were plainly told about the HD Everio, do we need anymore (apart from the camera ;)? For what ever reason, JVC has the brakes on it. The notion that there can't be a had drive version because there is a tape version doesn't really fit with what JVC does with multiple tape and Everio hard dive version of the last couple of years. I guess they need to feed and expand their tape HDD lines for the inevitable tape line shutdown in a number of years time). I think, if not for latte in the year, then we might see something at NAB, as I have been told that Sony would be doing by Sony pro dealer/representative (It's getting to the who was that guy all that time ago, memory thing at the moment ;). I remember, JVC did say something about a low end HD camera for the European market a few years ago, at one of their conferences. The release date was unrealistically long, like 2006 or 2007 (I forget) but here we are (and I don't mean the PD1 ;). But here we are. Why has JVC sat on it's hands of so long I don't really know. Unfortunately, I think it is just a matter of sit on our hands and wait to see what happens. Ken Hodson March 21st, 2006, 04:17 PM As for the supposed picture of the tapeless HDV cam that was linked to, it clearly said CCD on the side. Not HDV. I took issue with this at the time. As far as all the other supposed hard evidence, well my opinion is they stated the Evirio's would be mpeg2, which they are, and some less knowledgeable eager folks took this to be HDV. Wayne Morellini March 22nd, 2006, 07:00 AM Sorry Ken, I didn't know why you didn't know what we were talking about, I thought we were is the other JVC Everio HD thread. Here is the other thread: The post in a June 2005 thread, that attended a press meeting confirming HD version of the camera: AV magazine original report about the CEATEC show: New launches version of the JVC announcement mentioning the hi-vision (HD translated from Japanese)1080i as well: Tech digest has unfortunately put a illustrative picture of an ordinary Everio on their article on JVC's plans to move HDV to tape. This has confused a few people: Every article is explicitly stating that they are planning a hard drive based HD camera, many naming it HDV. CCD, charged couple device (sensor) can be HD (hope they go to a good CMOS instead). Ken Hodson March 22nd, 2006, 11:11 AM I don't give personal threads much weight just because nothing can be verified.(I heard from a friend, or my buddy who works for... ect) The last three links all seem to be reporting the same thing, so something must have been leaked by JVC. What time frame they have in mind, we have no idea. JVC isn't shy about announcing products long befor their release, so maybe we will hear something new from NAB? As it stands now there still hasn't been an official product announcement from JVC, only a statement that they will shift HDV onto HDD, which in it's self is very cool. Wayne Morellini March 24th, 2006, 09:32 AM Agreed, the different reports have additional info, so it is probably a stripped down press release, or from a JVC announcement at the CEATEC Exhibition. The personal post, is from a guy that was at a JVC press conference, so, maybe it is a back up the latter press reports. Paulo Teixeira March 25th, 2006, 12:58 PM All this talk of NAB is driving me insane. It would be a miracle if I somehow got to NAB this year and I know it’s somehow too late already. Chris Hurd March 25th, 2006, 02:01 PM Paulo it's not too late. Your only real concern will be finding an affordable hotel. Wayne Morellini March 26th, 2006, 07:31 AM Can you still camp out in the desert, like they did when they made he Hoover Dam? ;) I wish I was going, but I can't really afford too, pity there is goign to be a number of cool things goign on there this year, and a few of the guys getting together. |