Paul M Roberts
March 4th, 2006, 02:22 PM
Just captured from the PDX10 a series of clips using Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 - used the default widescreen capture mode of 720 x 480. When I viewed the captured files in Windows MP - it didn't look quite right (but pretty close). Close but not the exact aspect ratio that I enjoyed in the preview screen. Does this mean I have to manually adjust the widescreen frame size setting in the Capture options - or is this something that works itself out when I use a codec and export the files after I have edited this footage?
Paul M Roberts
March 4th, 2006, 02:30 PM
Should it not be 854 x 480?
Robert M Wright
March 4th, 2006, 07:36 PM
Windows Media Player (and most Windows players) pretty much ignore aspect ratio information in an AVI container, so you wind up viewing at a square pixel aspect.
Boyd Ostroff
March 4th, 2006, 07:48 PM
I use the Mac, but things are pretty much the same there. All DV is 720x480, but if you're working in 16:9 mode it's up to your playback device to stretch it out into the correct proportions. As Paul suggests, if you want to view it on a monitor with square pixels the correct size would be 854x480. However if you're sending it to a widescreen TV then the screen should "understand" to stretch the image all by itself.
Paul M Roberts
March 5th, 2006, 10:24 AM
Boyd - are you encouraging me to capture at 854 x 480 - knowing final output with be viewed on computer monitors only? Therefore I use 854 for web output and 720 for widescreen TV output - is this correct.
Thanks guys!
Boyd Ostroff
March 5th, 2006, 10:48 AM
I don't think you can *capture* as 854x480, because DV is 720x480. You would capture as 720x480 anamorphic 16:9. But if you need to make a version viewable on computers (like the web) you could export the finished video stretched to 854x480 (or anything in that proportion) and compress with the codec of your choice. But if you want people to watch it on TV then you need to leave it alone as 720x480 DV, and be sure it's flagged as anamorphic.
Since you're on the PC, I don't know what the specific settings are to accomplish this unfortunately.