View Full Version : Very cool effects

Monte Comeau
March 4th, 2006, 11:45 AM
I saw a wedding video last night that was very cool...although it infringed on copyrighted material...I thought I would share with you what the editor did.

To describe the video, it was a fast paced upbeat montage with a guitar soundtrack that matched the clips pretty vocals. Lot's of short bursts of clips with longer sequences in between. This was included at the end of a 45 minute wedding video as an extra. It was only about 3 to 4 minutes.

During some of these bursts she added some very short (3 secs?) clips from instantly recognizable movie stars from various movies. The way she did it made them seem to be part of the wedding. It was all done with humour intended and worked really well.

Just thought I would share really made me laugh and the B&G were totally cracked up. There was a scene with Tom Cruise from Jerry McGuire where he was talking to Renne Zelweger that was truly believable.

Robert M Wright
March 4th, 2006, 02:36 PM
Is this something we can see on the web?

Monte Comeau
March 4th, 2006, 03:00 PM
Is this something we can see on the web?

I don't think so. I will check on that though. The videographer was not from the area I live in, I just was able to see the video through an inlaw of the B&G when they were visiting.

Mike Cook
March 9th, 2006, 12:30 PM
Sounds risky. I think the music issue is enough to sink most of us. Tossing video in there seems like poking the bees nest...


Randall Allen
March 9th, 2006, 01:36 PM
During some of these bursts she added some very short (3 secs?) clips from instantly recognizable movie stars from various movies. The way she did it made them seem to be part of the wedding. It was all done with humour intended and worked really well.

Could this be parody? I know that parody is not a yes/no test for fair use but it could be a start. Any comments from the legaly minded?


Mike Oveson
March 9th, 2006, 02:05 PM
I'm going to throw in with Mike on that one. The music issue is grey enough that most of us are flying low and hoping that the recording industry keeps going after file sharers. I wouldn't stir the pot on this more than needs be. Even though I think it is fun and the results can often be hilarious, for a public viewing or commercial event it's too risky. Sorry I can't bring more of an authoritative legal voice to the discussion. Anyone else?