Fischer Spooner
March 3rd, 2006, 03:04 PM
Are there any outstanding values on lav systems?
Are there some good threads anybody can point me to?
This topic has been so exhaustively covered I'm hoping someone can help me improve the signal to noise ratio.
Thank you!!!
Fischer Spooner
March 3rd, 2006, 03:10 PM
here's a good one where DSE discusses AT Pro88W, which has good sound, but bad range. That sounds good to me.
Fischer Spooner
March 3rd, 2006, 03:26 PM
-cos I also need mics (I thought the term lav referred to the whole wireless system)
Here's another post by DSE where he introduces the AT831:
Would you say that the AT831 with the ATPro88W is the best bang for your buck? Any other values to look for?
John Rofrano
March 3rd, 2006, 03:49 PM
I’ve got the Pro88W with the MT830 omni and it sounds great. I use it primarily in the studio so range is not an issue. You will not find anything that sounds half as good in this price range.
Fischer Spooner
March 3rd, 2006, 04:06 PM
there was some discussion of VHF being a problem in cities. I'm in los angeles, probably about as congested as it gets in terms of radio frequencies.
DSE says that the Pro 88W wireless has good sound up to about 20 feet, in contrast to the literature which sez 100-200 feet.
I wonder:
1) Does having the receiver within 20 feet of the mic cancel out the other competing VHF frequencies?
2) Can one expect the Pro 88W to work in la?
John Rofrano
March 4th, 2006, 10:14 AM
I live in the country so I have no idea how this would perform in the city. Yes, I believe the 20ft rule was to minimize interference. The 100-200ft listed on the Audio-Technica web site is probably the maximum distance under ideal “line-of-site” conditions.
If you live in the city, I would seriously consider UHF diversity system or a wired lav. If you can’t afford that, then buy the Pro88w locally and test it out right in the store (assuming the store is in the city).