View Full Version : Our HD100u will not power up

Nick Kesler
March 2nd, 2006, 11:12 AM
We have two GY-HD100u's being shipped to us in the next week or so. In the mean time, we needed to bring one down to MN Twins spring training in Fort Meyers, so we rented one. This camera has very low hours and we might be only the third group to rent it. However, I was shooting some test footage two days before it was to fly out, and the camera went dead. I tried all 4 batteries, the ac power supply and finally installed the Anton Bauer gold mount we picked up. Nothing could get it to power up. I returned it to the rental house, and they opened it and found a blown fuse. They replaced it and apparently it's working fine, but has yet to be field tested. Anybody experience something like this yet?

Marc Colemont
March 2nd, 2006, 11:23 AM
You mean the fuse was blown internally in the AB unit or do you mean inside the camera?

I've seen it before, when we made dimmerracks before in our company. We used thousands of fuses each year. Once and a while there was a fuse which malfunctioned after a while. On the fuse, the wire is mechanically soldered inside the glass tube. A bad soldering inside can cause the fuse to malfunctioning. I can be that it looks OK, but still fails to work when you measure it with a multi-meter.

Jiri Bakala
March 2nd, 2006, 11:43 AM
I seem to remember that someone mentioned this fuse issue and it has to do with the JVC batteries; if they are not installed properly they blow the fuse. With the AB or IDX mounts this should not happen, as the mount stays on and once installed there is no more fussing with it.

Ken Freed JVC
March 2nd, 2006, 02:18 PM
I've seen it. It isn't often enough to be called a common problem but it has occured a few times. I see a lot more problems than anyone elsse.

I can say this, only one person ever had a replaced fuse blow. So maybe it was just some early bad fuses or as was mentioned above, too much heat during assembly.

These aren't what you think of as a fuse. They are about 1x2x.5 mm in size. You need to be very steady with the iron, and a very good pair of glasses.

Edwin Huang
March 2nd, 2006, 02:35 PM
I had a different problem. I was trying to use a Cool-lux SL-3000 with my JVC-anton with d-tap but every time I plugged it in, the JVC would power down and refuse to power up again until I removed the battery and replugged it into the socket.

I didn't want to try too many times lest I fry something but I also don't understand what's going on. The Light is running at 13.5V- am I only allowed to use 7.2V lights on the JVC? OR is the power draw just too much?

Details: 95 WH batteries, running at 16V, and 5.5 Amps

Cool-Lux is 13.5V (should take 12-14V) with a 60W bulb.

Nick Kesler
March 2nd, 2006, 11:56 PM
thanks everybody. I'm taking the second shift in Fort Meyers, and I'll be bringing the camera with the new fuse installed with me. I'll let you know if there's any problems.