Boyd Ostroff
February 28th, 2006, 11:53 AM
In case you haven't followed this story, Forgent Networks is claiming a patent on the JPEG file format and has filed lawsuits against 31 different companies seeking damages and licensing fees. They're also suing a bunch of companies about a video playback patent.
Recently the non-profit Public Patent Foundation got the patent office to agree to re-examine their claim:
The New York-based not-for-profit called Forgent's practice of reaping millions of dollars from companies who use the JPEG format a "campaign of harassment" that is causing "significant public harm by threatening the JPEG standard on which the public relies."
"We are extremely pleased with the Patent Office's decision to grant our request to re-examine the patent Forgent Networks is using to threaten the JPEG standard," said Dan Ravicher, the group's executive director.
In case you haven't followed this story, Forgent Networks is claiming a patent on the JPEG file format and has filed lawsuits against 31 different companies seeking damages and licensing fees. They're also suing a bunch of companies about a video playback patent.
Recently the non-profit Public Patent Foundation got the patent office to agree to re-examine their claim:
The New York-based not-for-profit called Forgent's practice of reaping millions of dollars from companies who use the JPEG format a "campaign of harassment" that is causing "significant public harm by threatening the JPEG standard on which the public relies."
"We are extremely pleased with the Patent Office's decision to grant our request to re-examine the patent Forgent Networks is using to threaten the JPEG standard," said Dan Ravicher, the group's executive director.