View Full Version : stand for rifa lite

Maximo Salaberry
February 27th, 2006, 05:31 PM
I am planning to buy a rifa lite. given that it is not heavy at all, would an amvona 2-pound stand (the AS-803) work? I'd rather keep everything lite for travel.
thank you

Tim Gray
February 27th, 2006, 07:19 PM
While I can't answer your question, I can say that I recently got a Rifa 55 and just got the stand that comes with the kit. It all fits rather nicely in the Lowel bag - the stand is about as long as the light is when folded up. I have no complaints with it.

Seth Bloombaum
February 27th, 2006, 07:53 PM
Near as I can tell from the pic it is similar to the stand I'm using for a Rifa 55. Would work fine for a 44 or 55, I don't have experience with the larger Rifas.


Kevin Wild
February 27th, 2006, 09:47 PM
Here, here (or is it hear, hear?) for the rifa light! I have the 500 watt one and I absolutely love it. It sets up SO fast and takes up such little room. You can carry it in your tripod case, most likely. It's a very cool light...just get the stand that comes with the light. It's not heavy and is made for the light that size.
