View Full Version : How do you manage callbacks?

Emre Safak
February 27th, 2006, 04:31 PM
Let's say you have auditioned a bunch of actors, and you are not sure which one you want for some of the roles. How do you proceed?

Andrew Todd
February 27th, 2006, 04:33 PM
call the ones you're interested in and ask them to do another round of auditioning. you're taping the audtitions right?

Emre Safak
February 27th, 2006, 04:58 PM
Yes, I have them taped. The question is what to do when you have several candidates for each role...isn't the idea to have them act together, to create an ensemble?

Andrew Todd
February 27th, 2006, 05:09 PM
do you mean you've got all the roles chosen or that you have several possibilities for each role.. If you have chosen everyone for the roles sit down and do a read through of the script with everyone present.. get some feedback from the actors of what they think of their part.. if they're good actors they might be able to throw in a few suggestionsfor the character.

if its the other case that you have several for the same role i dont think id have them interact together unless you were consiering them for different roles... (or you could have them compete survivor style against each otehr for the role.. video tape it all and call it a day.. or a new reality show for fox)

Andy Graham
February 28th, 2006, 02:27 PM
you are not sure which one you want for some of the roles.

If it is the case that you have a number of diffirent actors that you like for the same roles, and provided they are all equally good actors (if not go with the best actor), I would choose the ones that I thought would be the easiest to work with. I personally don't like drama queens! want someone who doesn't mind getting dirty.
