View Full Version : Need certain types of text title SFXs

Scott Silverman
January 19th, 2003, 03:03 AM
When ever you watch a movie's opening credits or a preview/trailer for a movie you will almost always see the text and titles zooming in really fast on the screen or somthing. There is always a sound effect to go with these zooms and other effects. The only way to describe this text zoom noise is a whoosh noise. Just like the sound text makes when it zooms through the air (if text could zoom through the air). Another very common SFX with titles in movies is kind of like the sound of a very heavy door shutting. Kind of a sound that that makes you think the text is secured in place. It has a slight echo to it. Well anyways, I need some SFX like these for my titles but can't seem to find them anywhere. I looked on all the SFX sites I could find and found nothing (this could be because I am not searching the right keywords). Does anyone know where I could find SFX like the ones described above? Thanks for you help!

K. Forman
January 19th, 2003, 05:32 AM
Some effects, like the whoosh, can be found in audio programs like Fruity Loops. Most, are created by people with recorders and an audio program like Sound Forge.

Grab a mic, and record a heavy wood door slamming shut in a hallway. Then take it into Sound Forge and and reverb to it. Of course, it will take a while to get it to sound like the effects you see (Hear?) from Hollywood, but their Foley people have been at this for many years. I have seen Foley artists on documentries recording everything they can, just to play with it later, alter it a bit, and turn it into a quite alien sound effect.

The original Star Wars light saber fights used the sounds of a high tension steel support cable being struck, to simulate the sabers striking each other. In Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark, they added a Tiger roaring to the truck's motor noise as he was hanging off the front of it. This made the truck sound more fearsome.

Courtney Pruette
January 20th, 2003, 10:00 PM
When I watched Star Wars Episode 1 I could swear that 'lil vader's pod racer had some Formula 1 car engine sounds at high RPM's. They blended it nicely but I could pick it out. The sound you're talking about you might want to record on your own as suggested and then just full around with some reverb, chorus, distortion, etc. and come up with something totally different. Maybe use a heavy door or swing a big plank of wood thru the air. You could even climb up a water tower, hit record and drop your recording device and let it fall...of course with a bongee cord attached :O) Or maybe just spin it in a circle by a string. I assume you already have an idea of how to make the text "zoom" (?).

Scott Silverman
January 20th, 2003, 10:40 PM
I think I will play around with recording this coming weekend and then bring it into Sound Forge and play around. That seems like a great idea and that it should work. Thanks!