View Full Version : Burn time code for dubs?

Bill Parker
February 27th, 2006, 11:17 AM
I just switched to the HD100 from a PD150 and after I shoot interviews, I make VHS dubs for my clients to preview - w/ burned-in time code. I can't figure out how to do that w/ the HD100. I can get a signal to a VCR, but I can't get the time code to follow. Is that not a function for this camera or am I missing something?


Tim Dashwood
February 27th, 2006, 11:48 AM
It's ridiculous isn't it!

The BR-HD50 deck has the capability to burn in TC on the analog output, but not the camera. This feature was #7 on my "Ten Most Wanted (" list, but it is quickly working its way to #1.
Making VHS dailies dubs in one thing but during a shoot, my continuity person, 2nd AC and sound recordist all should have access to TC. It is a big hinderance for dramatic production.

We've discussed it here before:

Bill Parker
February 27th, 2006, 11:58 AM
I was afraid of that. I was planning on getting the deck anyway. Now it's sooner rather than later.


Jon Glen
February 27th, 2006, 01:00 PM
when you guys say "burned in time code" you mean that it is displayed with the footage when taken off the camera at the bottom of the footage? and i guess can be cropped out of the footage when editing? is that correct? is a large reason for displaying the TC for others during production is so they can have a reference to what you the dp/director is talking about for other shots surrounding this footage?

when i type this it seems like a dips**t question, but i guess i'm curious


Bill Parker
February 28th, 2006, 05:43 AM
It's only "burned in" the VHS dub. The original MiniDV tape has the same time code that can be referenced, but it won't show up on the image itself and doesn't need to be cropped out.