Mitchell Stookey
February 26th, 2006, 01:57 PM
Do you guys realize that when this new one ends, that DVC will have run a year? The first challenge was April of 2005! Wow, I don't know about you guys but that time just vanished for me. It's been a fun year and I bet this next one will be even better.
Daniel Kohl
February 26th, 2006, 03:56 PM
One year of running the DV Challenge, and Dylan is already getting gigs in South Africa!
If that isn't a success story for you ;')
Mike Teutsch
February 26th, 2006, 04:07 PM
One year of running the DV Challenge, and Dylan is already getting gigs in South Africa!
If that isn't a success story for you ;')
Either that, or he's trying to get away from us, maybe even fake his own death or disapearance! :)
Come back Dylan!
Keith Loh
February 26th, 2006, 04:51 PM
South Africa?
I think he meant South Canada.
Sean McHenry
February 26th, 2006, 11:04 PM
I used to be a hopeless kid with terrible acne sitting on the couch weekend after weekend with nothing to do. Then the DVChallenge entered my life and now I'm a man...
Seriously though, for all the folks wondering why they should enter, here's my little story.
I worked in Broadcasting at an NBC station for 16 years. I left to be the Engineer for a major post production house. I left that for 3 years to sell broadcast equipment at the second largest supplier in Ohio. I am back doing Engineering by day for the largest post house in Central Ohio. While working for the broadcast equipment company, I bought a bunch of gear knowing that one day I would probably make some pocket change shooting the inevitable wedding videos.
I became a member of these forums in my search for information about the camera I bought and along comes DVC2. I had missed DVC1 by a month or so. So I entered, and somehow won. Great. Along comes DVC3 a few months later. I entered. The field of entries grew dramaticaly and so, I didn't win but had a good time and applied a few things I had learned from DVC2.
Fast forward and here it is Feb 25th. Tonight we just had the 3rd annual "Look at My Shorts" film festival here in Columbus, Ohio. The organizers rented a big screen at a pretty good location with the help of corporate sponsorship and showed 4 hours of local filmmakers works, including one of mine. Frame 37, the entry from DVC3 was shown tonight to a packed house on a true theater screen. I am now officially elligable and up for a listing on the site.
One of my daughters is now officially an actress with a film credit and I am, god forgive us all, an actual filmmaker. Secrets, my winning entry from DVC2 will be shown at "Look at My Shorts 4" to be held in April at the same site.
So you see, DVChallenge is a reason for you folks in the audience of this forum who have never tried this, to get off the couch and shoot something. If you put some thought behind it, pay attention to a few rules of film making and try, you too can soon be listed on IMDB and be called a filmmaker.
Buy, borrow or rent a camera, round up a few friends who won't giggle when the red light starts flashing and use windows movie maker or i-movie and make a film.
Sean McHenry
Dylan Couper
February 26th, 2006, 11:27 PM
A year already????