View Full Version : Clips of Reds on HC1 or A1?

Alex Thames
February 26th, 2006, 05:25 AM
Because it has become a known "problem," and I haven't been able to find anything to actually view, I was wondering if anyone had actual clips of the HC1 or A1 (preferably NTSC, US version) shooting largely red scenes (i.e. as much of the things in the frame are in various shades of red) so I could guage this "problem" for myself.

Please, no color correction either with +2 (or any other color adjustment) on the camera's color option or in post production. I hope to see how bad the red problem really is as-is. If possible, I'd appreciate seeing these red clips in both full auto mode and manual mode adjusted (without color correction) as best as possible.

Also, comparison footage of the exact same scene (or extremely similar scene) with another camera, such as the FX1/Z1 that doesn't have this red problem would be extremely useful. Please no color correction on the comparison camera's footage either, and be consistent as possible with other settings. (i.e. compare full auto HC1/A1 footage with full auto comparison camera footage, or if specific elements are adjusted on the HC1/A1, also adjust those same elements manually on the comparsion camera). Be sure to use the same white balance too.


Rodolphe Pellerin
February 26th, 2006, 06:20 AM
When you use Outdoor WB preset it is sometimes too warm and the compression in reds is not really good. You need to use a Manual WB and/or use the WB shift with the preset.

On a FX1/Z1 I see the same thing... You just need a good White balance !

NB: A Varicam with a bad WB gives you bad blues... Even big boys are not perfects !!!

Alex Thames
February 26th, 2006, 06:40 PM
I'm interested in clips that have correct manual white balance. If blue is also a problem, please post clips of that too. Thanks.

Christian de Godzinsky
March 19th, 2006, 02:35 PM

I have some clips shot on my HC1 in still mode. Is it possible to attach files or include images in posts in this forum ?


Mikko Lopponen
March 20th, 2006, 03:41 PM

Atleast the post in the background seems to be ok for a red post.

Alex Thames
March 20th, 2006, 03:55 PM
Does anyone have actual footage and not just stills? Comparison footage with another camera that has correct or better red ability would be good also.

March 21st, 2006, 12:14 AM
Check out

My comments are in the other HC1-red-thread...