View Full Version : Multiple images of subjects

Mike Phan
February 25th, 2006, 12:23 AM
Hi everyone. I'm trying to do something I saw in a few music video. The effect I'm trying to do is to have multiple shots of the same person at different point in time in the frame. At times they may overlap each other in the frame. Hmmm...for example the Britney Spears video Lucky and better one would be that one Faith Hill song when she's in the rain not sure of the name of that song. Basically I can do multiple subject in one frame but to overlap is the hard part. Feathering and masking is just half the battle, I think there's something else i'm missing. Anyone can help is really appreciated. Thank you.

Bob Hart
February 25th, 2006, 04:16 AM
Are you trying for an visual echo effect where the person moves and multiple image echoes trail behind then catch again when the person halts.

If so, one way of getting this is to shoot with a fairly high shutter speed, say 1/200 to reduce smear. You would need to have enough light for this and lots of contrast in the staging so highlights on the person trail against the background.

Then in your NLE, copy the clip to several layers of an equal transparency setting, but each positioned one frame later in the timeline than its predecessor, or separate them by more than one frame - experiment here for best effect.

I haven't tried it in Premiere Pro, only Premiere 6. In that case, I was not able to use the A-B tracks or the No2 track as I could find no way to adjust transparency on them. I had to create new video tracks which I think you can do by right clicking on a video track in the timeline.

In P6, I think there is a function for expanding the track so you can use the rubber band function to set transparency. I have not been able to find this handy feature in Premiere Pro either so any clues would be appreciated.

You can do other things to those "echo" images like change the colour hue.

Don't take too much heed of my comments as I am by no means any sort of master at any of this.

Jason Varner
February 25th, 2006, 01:50 PM
If it's a static shot you could probably get away with a difference matte. If the camera is moving it's pretty much a green screen situation, unless you're looking for a simple motion trail effect. Good Luck, Jason.

David J. Payne
March 2nd, 2006, 02:47 PM
so did anyone find out where the rubber band effect has gone in premiere pro?! I'm a new user and I can't seem to find it....