View Full Version : NLE Success Stories?

Chris Kenworthy
January 17th, 2003, 10:53 PM
I wonder if anybody can help me. I'm writing a feature for the UK's Computer Arts magazine - it's a best-seller in the UK, and is widely distributed elsewhere in the world. They want me to write about the recent changes in the film-world, not least non-linear editing.

I'd like to interview somebody about success they've found through Final Cut Pro or similar software, or anybody who made a few DV films and found they'd gone pro in just a couple of years.

If you'd be willing to be interviewed via e-mail, during the next few days (my deadline is Tuesday 21st Jan), please e-mail me at, rather than using the forum.



Ken Tanaka
January 17th, 2003, 11:31 PM
Welcome to DVInfo! I hope you'll have a chance to poke your nose in here from time to time.

As a former subscriber to CA I'm glad to remark that it's a first-class, highly informative publication second to none I've seen. If only it had a peer here in the U.S.

The L.A. Final Cut Pro Users Group ( would also be an ideal place to look for a good candidate. They're a well-established and well-attended group located smack-dab in the middle of la-la land.

Good luck with your article!