View Full Version : HELP with digital audio transcription, DSS, and web streaming?

John McManimie
February 23rd, 2006, 03:53 PM
Can anyone recommend a product that is suitable for recording City Council meetings in a digital format, with an eye toward future web streaming?

The goal is to capture directly to a suitable format for streaming (such as MP3). I would prefer not to have to re-encode each audio file and not to have to store multiple formats of each file.

One of our workgroups has already purchased a "Philips Digital Transcription StarterKit 9750: ( which uses the DSS file format. It is my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) that it is not possible to convert DSS directly into MP3 Format but it must instead be converted to Wave then to MP3.

I could probably capture to a second device simultaneously or batch convert files on the network, but I would prefer a single, complete solution (if one exists).

Do any of you have an idea or can you point me in the right direction? Anything we should definitely consider NOW if we plan to offer this audio on the web in the (relatively near) future?


Glenn Davidson
February 23rd, 2006, 05:11 PM
If what you mean by 'transcribing' is audio recordings to text...I was under the impression that it is not feasable to record a City Council Meeting and then automatically transcribe it. Voice recognition transcription machines are slow and need to learn words from the user, they can't handle multiple voices with fast over-lapping audio. Maybe the technology has changed, but this is what I recall from when I looked into them a year ago.

John McManimie
February 23rd, 2006, 05:15 PM
No... just recording for later transcription by a human. :-) Sorry for the confusing post (I have edited the post accordingly). I'm just hoping for a streamlined process rather than recording to DSS, then converting, etc.

John McManimie
February 28th, 2006, 10:27 AM
I decided to stick with the Philips Desktop 9750 and convert the audio format using available, inexpensive software. I will do some more research so that perhaps we can end up with a more robust system in the future.