View Full Version : dopey copyright question

Bill Mecca
February 23rd, 2006, 02:57 PM
This should be a simple answer, but I have a mental block on it.

I am in the process of filling out the Form PA for a video I produced and came up on "nature of authorship" and drew a blank. I've done it all, from writing the script, shooting(except for a couple shots), editing, narrating, graphics etc... what "term of art" would describe that for "nature of authorship."

I think I remember seeing that in a thread here, but I have searched and searched and came up empty. You wouldn't believe, or maybe you would, how many results the term "copyright" turns up. ;)


Peter Wiley
February 23rd, 2006, 03:07 PM
Nature of authorship refers, I belive, to the nature of the work created: e.g. motion picture, sound recording, script, design, photograph, database, painting etc.

Bill Mecca
February 23rd, 2006, 03:38 PM
Thanks Peter,

From the instruction pages "Give a brief general statement of the nature of this particular author's contribution to the work. Examples: "Words"; "Coauthor of Music";"Words & Music" etc etc...

so it appears to be more of a "what did this author do in regards to the motion picture." I could list everything, but would quickly run out of space. LOL there must be a short phrase or word that would encapsulate it.

I just searched thru about 500 Paul Tauger posts and came up empty, but I was going by the thread name, and only looked into the threads that sounded promising... but nada.

Richard Alvarez
February 23rd, 2006, 07:35 PM
Try "Writer/Producer" that should cover everything.

February 24th, 2006, 01:48 AM

It has been years since I filled out a PA form, and I can't get my hands on one of mine, to refresh my memory either, because I have them locked away in a safety deposit box.

If my memory serves me, I believe there is a phone number on the form.

Whenever I was in doubt I called and talked to a live person to go over anything I didn't not understand while filing out the form(s) for the Library of Congress.

After all, I would hate to leave out or give up any of MY rights accidently.

Travis Cossel
February 24th, 2006, 03:00 AM
Pardon the stupid question . . . but "Form PA"? What is this?

Bill Mecca
February 24th, 2006, 08:28 AM
First of all, the only stupid question is the one not asked.

Form PA is the form you use to register a "published or unpublished works of the performing arts. Avaialbe via download from the website.

Mickey, I thought of that, but have heard horror stories about trying to get through.


Mike Cavanaugh
February 24th, 2006, 09:25 AM
I've always considered the stupid question "the one everybody wants to ask, but doesn't because they think everybody else knows the answer".

To me, the real "stupid question" is the one that is asked about 4 posts above the exact same question! You obviously did the right thing by searching the site before posting.

Keep asking "stupid questions" We all benefit.

Chris Hurd
February 24th, 2006, 09:38 AM
Well said, Mike! We should carve that into stone, or at least put it in the FAQ. Much appreciated,