View Full Version : mac mini

Jon Glen
February 22nd, 2006, 02:04 PM
do you guys/gals think a mac mini would have enough "horse power" to edit HDV footage from the JVC?

maybe someone is editing out there this way now, love to hear some feed back.

Paolo Ciccone
February 22nd, 2006, 02:18 PM
do you guys/gals think a mac mini would have enough "horse power" to edit HDV footage from the JVC?

maybe someone is editing out there this way now, love to hear some feed back.
Jon, I have a PowerBook G4 1.67 with 1.5GB Ram and it barely makes it. It's OK for basic editing but adding filters in FCP takes a very long time to render. If I could I would buy a dual processor or a CoreDuo-based machine.

Of course all depends on the type of work you plan on doing but a Mini will probably struggle handling any HD material. Be sure to get plenty of RAM, 1.5GB or more.
