View Full Version : New XL2 owner looking for resources

Aidan Harris
February 20th, 2006, 02:35 PM
I've upgraded from an Optura 200MC to the XL2. Anyone know a good resource to learn the basics of filming at this level?

For example, the shutter light in the EVF turns on when I set the shutter to anything but 1/48 in 24p mode. It even states this in the manual. However, I don't know why it turns on. Is it a warning? Is 1/48 considered the optimal shutter speed for that mode?

Until yesterday, I didn't even know what the 20x and 3x meant for the lens. Anyway, I would rather read up a little instead of flooding forums with stupid basic questions.

Geoff Voorhees
February 20th, 2006, 03:47 PM
1/48 is considered to be the "correct" shutterspeed for capturing at 24p, so the light comes on to let you know when it isn't set to that. Just as the gain light will come on when it's set to -3db, even though you aren't adding gain, it still comes on. There's was (and probably still is) a video over at that shows you some of the different options the camera has to offer.

Brian J. Harris
February 24th, 2006, 01:51 PM
Hello Aidan,

The QuickTime movie Geoff mentioned is an informative video. It's a fairly hefty file, so if you don't have broadband, you may be in for quite a wait.

It is on the website under their dvestore theatre.
The link is below.

It's called "Watch the XL2 Feature Tour Video!"

The video has helped me a lot with my recent purchase of an XL2.