View Full Version : DVC5 Official question thread

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Dylan Couper
February 20th, 2006, 10:29 AM
Ok, ladies and gents, it is TIME!

Dust off that camera, glue that tripod leg back on, and find that tape of your kid's recital you don't mind taping over, because it is DVC5 TIME!

You guys talked a little about theme earlier... As always, it will be anounced at the start of the competition.

The paramaters for the contest will be announced as usual, Thursday night, March 9th. You have until midnight April 2nd to complete a 3 minute (+1 extra minute if you need it) short film, upload it to the web, and email the link to it to, and only to,

From there, we judges will get drunk and throw darts at our computer monitors until we choose the one that we don't hate the most. Prizes TBA, but rest assured, the cheap certificate hot off my lazer printer is still one of the hottest items this side of the Oscars.

If this is your first DVC, go read for more details, or look how others have been run in the past (except DVC4 which was for charity). DVC is FREE TO ENTER, but if you want to support the DV Challenge, send me fur coats or diamonds, or better yet, you can buy a T-shirt, we have new ones!

Jean-Philippe Archibald
February 20th, 2006, 11:00 AM
Count me in! I can't skip two challenges in a row!

Dylan Couper
February 20th, 2006, 11:31 AM
Ahem, the sign up thread is here: :)

Jean-Philippe Archibald
February 20th, 2006, 12:14 PM
Oops! Sorry ;)

Robert M Wright
February 21st, 2006, 08:53 PM
I'm not sure where to post this, but the other night, it struck me, that with a name like DVC, heck, maybe somebody at Panasonic might be willing to put up a little prize, for the promotional value.

Mugurel Dragusin
February 22nd, 2006, 03:21 AM
It hit me now after I got in, I guess we should know what would that be before getting in? Not a big deal tho :)

Pete Bauer
February 22nd, 2006, 12:07 PM
It hit me now after I got in, I guess we should know what would that be before getting in? Not a big deal tho :)
Ha, nice try! I'm guessing that Dylan would say that's about as likely as getting him to show you his poker hand before you decide whether to call or raise. Your only chance would be to "distract" him with elephant-tranquilizing quantities of single malt. ;-)

Mugurel Dragusin
February 22nd, 2006, 02:33 PM
Ha, nice try! I'm guessing that Dylan would say that's about as likely as getting him to show you his poker hand before you decide whether to call or raise. Your only chance would be to "distract" him with elephant-tranquilizing quantities of single malt. ;-)

Worth trying :)

Ismail Aslam
February 22nd, 2006, 05:35 PM

sorry to bug you fella's, this may sound stupid, im new to this are there any rules or conditions for the challenge, fees or prizes?


Mike Teutsch
February 22nd, 2006, 06:45 PM

sorry to bug you fella's, this may sound stupid, im new to this are there any rules or conditions for the challenge, fees or prizes?


Please see this site, ( ) and read the current posts for this thread. Prizes may or may not be announced, the rules are on the site and generally consistant for each Challenge.

On March 9th Dylan will anounce the theme or "twist" for this Challenge. That will tell you what you are "Shooting For!"

Good Luck! Also, see the first post in this thread!


Dylan Couper
February 23rd, 2006, 01:36 AM
It hit me now after I got in, I guess we should know what would that be before getting in? Not a big deal tho :)



Ismail, it is free to enter, and there will very likely be prizes. Check out our website that Mike provided for full details.

Thanks Mike!

Sean McHenry
February 23rd, 2006, 01:51 PM
Oh Dylan...How about getting someone to put up some stills of the T-Shirts on the other site. I'll probably pick one up anyway.

I see most of the crew is back from the names in the other thread. Hope you guys are ready for this one (judges). There are quite a few people from the looks of the other thread.

Noticably absent so far is Lorinda.

Sean McHenry

Mike Teutsch
February 23rd, 2006, 01:59 PM
Noticably absent so far is Lorinda.

sean McHenry

Sorry Sean,

See post #18 on the sign up thread. ;)


Lorinda Norton
February 23rd, 2006, 02:08 PM
Hiya Sean!

Yep, I'm going to put up a quick one this time so I can have as much of that week as possible with my son.

Your post in the sign-up thread about the "ass kicking" made me laugh out loud! But you'll do great. Just have fun like you always do.

As for T-shirt photos, I could probably come up with one if Dylan wants. They aren't your normal tee. Really high quality stuff here!!

Sean McHenry
February 23rd, 2006, 09:09 PM
I have what apparently now is a "limited edition, first run ever" DVChallange shirt and I'm so proud of it I never wear it. I don't want to take a chance of ruining it. Yes it is soft, and well made.

I bet others would love to see the new design too. Does it have a small pocket and logo on the front? We need recognition from the front, and a place to put C47s and other small bits of stuff.

First big screen showing is this Sunday of Frame 37 at the local film festival. We are all really excited about seeing how it stacks up to being projected that large.

This DVChallange thing has been a real boost for me. Anyone on the fence and reading these messages - just get in it and get it over know you want to.

Back to the topic - sorry, I did it again.

I'm particularly glad to see the "regulars" all coming back for this one.

See ya Lorinda,


Dennis Khaye
March 1st, 2006, 12:41 AM
Not really a question but in the sign-up thread for DVC 5 there is a problem with judging 50+ entries. Over at Channel 101 and 102 the upper echelon screen everything that comes in and pick the wheat from the chaff to show to an audience so they can vote on the top five.

What if we reversed it. Let the masses pick their favs, one vote per IP addy that will cut down on the amount of work for the judges.

Just a thought.

Pete Bauer
March 3rd, 2006, 06:44 PM

1. Do you want us to send donations to the same Paypal that you used in previous DVC's?

2. How do you want to handle t-shirt requests?

Dylan Couper
March 3rd, 2006, 07:37 PM
Pete, I started a registry at the local liquor store for donations. :)

For donations, my Paypal account is:
Any and all donations are most certainly welcome!
T-shirt info and pictures should be up Sunday.

Dennis, I have a judging scheme in mind to handle all the entries, fear not!

Robert M Wright
March 5th, 2006, 11:47 PM
Is it ok to use WMV? Is there a maximum bitrate limit?

Dylan Couper
March 6th, 2006, 12:12 AM
Basicaly, it is your job to ensure the viewers can see your video. If they can't see it, they won't vote on it. If it is a huge download, they may not want to watch it if on dialup.

I suggest Quicktime, and not the latest version (as not everyone upgrades), offer at least two sizes, maybe a 10 and 20mb size. I usually choose the smallest option to watch, to save time.

Andrew Todd
March 6th, 2006, 12:15 AM
just bored and watching some videos on the dv challenge site. It looks like santa brought you your trip to africa you asked for

Dylan Couper
March 6th, 2006, 12:32 AM
just bored and watching some videos on the dv challenge site. It looks like santa brought you your trip to africa you asked for

Good point! You know, I didn't even think about that.
I wonder how my hovercar is doing...

Andrew Hood
March 7th, 2006, 12:46 AM
So Dylan, when will we know the official closing date? Will that be stated when we get given the theme/twist?
So long as you don't wait till the day before to tell us it's due in (as yourself, or by proxy) - although that would make it a real challenge ;-)

Sean McHenry
March 7th, 2006, 04:43 PM
On the issue of what media type to post. We have been round this bend before but, here's my opinion on it. Some of us who use our PCs to edit cannot use the latest QT Codecs, like h.264. Try to use something simple and generic, like the older formats of windows media or older QT formats. Yes, they are bigger and slower but, if we all can see the videos, we'll all be voting on level playing grounds.

As for why we can't all use the latest codecs, you'll want to re-read some of the threads on that but my Avid squalks - LOUDLY - then dies if I add QT codecs it can't handle, such as in the latest QT versions. Other have some of these codec issues too.

Another hint might be, if you can upload to either or, it is converted at their end to a standard wmv or qt streaming format. takes a week or more to get the uploaded files converted and listed.

Sean McHenry

Jean-Francois Robichaud
March 13th, 2006, 03:04 PM
Dylan, I was wondering... Is animation appropriate for the DVC challenge, or does it need to be a live action movie?

Dylan Couper
March 13th, 2006, 10:24 PM
I needs to be a live action movie, although animation could be used to enhance your storytelling (for example Jeff Sayer's Gardens Of Tomorrow 1&2).

Sean McHenry
March 14th, 2006, 02:42 PM
Oh, oh. I just had a good response for the gentleman who asked about entry fees and such -

It's free to enter - but it will cost your soul to survive it!

Wow. Took me a while to get that response out huh. And what a good tag line for a movie...

"I am the dred pirate Roberts."

Sean McHenry

Steve Shilson
March 14th, 2006, 09:07 PM
Here's a question on a lighter note. . .

How's everyone coming along with their DVC5 shorts? I'm done writing it, and I've got each camera shot I want written out so I make sure to get it. I've watched it in my head several times and it turned out decent, now all I have to do is plug in a firewire from my brain to the computer for capture. . . .wait, it isn't that easy? damn.

Edward Slonaker
March 15th, 2006, 05:24 AM
There is a "How's the Progress" thread running here:

Amazing how many of us are in the same boat. I'm like you, I've got a flurry of "shot lists" running in my head and the images look like keepers. Now, if I can just get those onto the timelines, I'd be set.

I've been keeping my camera and tripod in the trunk of the car waiting for the right opportunity to get some footage of the city. So far, that opportunity hasn't come up.....yet.

Sean McHenry
March 15th, 2006, 09:05 AM
I have come to the conclusion, for the first time in my life that the weather in Columbus, Ohio this time of year is really sucking. We had in the 50s a few days ago, torrential rains and actual flooding this past weekend, I got up today, after driving home with the windows down yesterday, to a lovely blanket of snow...

I think nuclear testing, acid rain, ozone depletion, over population, second hand smoke, crop field run off, mad cow disease, bird flu and vice presidents with guns are some how to blame. I don't remember it being like this when I was a kid.

So, if it doesn't rain frogs this weekend, I hope to put words to tape.

Back to your regularly scheduled programs.

Sean McHenry

Steve Sturdevant
March 16th, 2006, 08:02 AM
I'm not in this contest, but I'm in for the next one.

One request: That the camera and the editing software used be listed somewhere.

Pete Bauer
March 16th, 2006, 08:22 AM
Not a bad idea, Steve! I'm always curious what other folks are using, too, and I'll make sure I list the camera and software somewhere in my credits.

But at the same time, we should realize that all of the entries will be encoded to web-friendly bit rates so one can't really take measure of the camera and NLE this way. A dolt like me can make a really BAD movie with two XL H1's and Adobe Production Bundle, while someone with talent can make a winner with a single-chipper and M$ Movie Maker. What will really be on display is the talent of the cast and crew!

And don't ask me how it is going. FINE...all I need is an idea! ;-)

Mike Teutsch
March 16th, 2006, 09:42 AM
Not a bad idea, Steve! I'm always curious what other folks are using, too, and I'll make sure I list the camera and software somewhere in my credits.

But at the same time, we should realize that all of the entries will be encoded to web-friendly bit rates so one can't really take measure of the camera and NLE this way. A dolt like me can make a really BAD movie with two XL H1's and Adobe Production Bundle, while someone with talent can make a winner with a single-chipper and M$ Movie Maker. What will really be on display is the talent of the cast and crew!

And don't ask me how it is going. FINE...all I need is an idea! ;-)

Pete is right about the talent of the cast and crew being the most important factor. No matter what camera you shoot with, the films always have to be reduced to about a 30mb or less size to get delivered. I'm always playing with different codecs and settings to get the best image, and still I am never satisfied.

Someone suggested recently that we have a contest for movies shot with HD cameras. Sounds good on the surface, but we would still have that little 30mb size target to hit. They would look no better to those viewing them at home.

This is truely a contest where the camera does not matter much at all, just your ingenuity and skill in filmmaking. Look at Dylans two entries with his little 1-chip palm camera, they easily beat most others. Someone was even going to make one with a video camera phone, and why not!

My suggestions for a good entry would be to have a good compelling script, then work on lighting, camera angles, shot composition and sound. The sound is always the hardest for me!

Now if I could just come up with that compelling script!!!! :)


Philip Boyer
March 16th, 2006, 02:26 PM
I thought I remembered reading a DV Challenge rule that said you could not use the theme in the title of your movie, nor could you include it in the dialogue. I searched but couldn't find that rule anywhere. Is it an official rule? A recommended guideline? Or am I completely mis-remembering?

Lorinda Norton
March 16th, 2006, 02:42 PM
Hey Philip,
If I remember correctly, Dylan just wanted to stay away from getting a bunch of films entitled, "Reflections," or whatever. So, the more original you can be, the better. But his DVC2 movie under the theme of "Secrets" was called "Secret Confessions of a DV Info Moderator," so it's not like you have to avoid the word altogether. As for the dialogue, there are no rules/guidelines about that, I don't think.

Bradley L Marlow
March 16th, 2006, 03:47 PM
Yes...I believe Lorinda is correct. At least that is the way I understand it.

Chris Barcellos
March 16th, 2006, 04:54 PM
This discussion occurred in last Challenge, i think, as that was only one I was around for, and I recall it also as Lorina stated.

Dylan Couper
March 16th, 2006, 11:55 PM
Hey Philip,
If I remember correctly, Dylan just wanted to stay away from getting a bunch of films entitled, "Reflections," or whatever. So, the more original you can be, the better. But his DVC2 movie under the theme of "Secrets" was called "Secret Confessions of a DV Info Moderator," so it's not like you have to avoid the word altogether. As for the dialogue, there are no rules/guidelines about that, I don't think.

Yeah, it makes it much easier when judging to not have six shorts titled Reflections or something similar.

Also, try to keep the titles on the shorter side.
"Secret Confessions Of A DV Info Moderator" would be a good example of a title that is WAY too long. :)

Steve Sturdevant
March 17th, 2006, 07:34 AM
This is truely a contest where the camera does not matter much at all, just your ingenuity and skill in filmmaking. Look at Dylans two entries with his little 1-chip palm camera, they easily beat most others. Someone was even going to make one with a video camera phone, and why not!

It was not my intention to imply that equipment makes an entry great and I certainly don't believe that.

Just thought it would be interesting.

Mike Teutsch
March 17th, 2006, 07:38 AM
It was not my intention to imply that equipment makes an entry great and I certainly don't believe that.

Just thought it would be interesting.


Don't get me wrong, I think it is a good idea too! I will list my equipment, that is if I get an idea and actually get a movie made! :)


Dylan Couper
March 17th, 2006, 08:57 AM
I'm not in this contest, but I'm in for the next one.

One request: That the camera and the editing software used be listed somewhere.

Usually everyone who submits a film starts a thread to discuss it and their production process. That is where most people will tell you what they shot and cut it with.

Bradley L Marlow
March 19th, 2006, 02:10 PM
Please forgive me if I missed this somewhere. I

Will there be one winner for DVC #5 (winner take all) or will there also be other categories? i.e., Best Picture, Runner-Up Best Picture, Best Cinematography...etc.?

Rob Lohman
March 19th, 2006, 02:36 PM
It will be one winner takes all the prizes (best picture).

Dylan Couper
March 19th, 2006, 02:36 PM
Runner-Up will get a certificate. No other official categories as Rob said.

Bradley L Marlow
March 19th, 2006, 02:51 PM
Excellent! Thank you Rob and Dylan.

Scott Cozad
March 28th, 2006, 05:28 PM
I need to credit my entry properly. What is the title of the individual that claps the clapper in from of the camera before each take and screams, "Scene1! Take 1!"?

Aaron Koolen
March 28th, 2006, 06:32 PM
The Clapper - no seriously. And if they load the tapes/film too, Clapper/Loader

Mike Teutsch
March 28th, 2006, 09:55 PM
I need to credit my entry properly. What is the title of the individual that claps the clapper in from of the camera before each take and screams, "Scene1! Take 1!"?

Screamer clapper guy!

Scott Cozad
March 28th, 2006, 10:36 PM
Screamer clapper guy!

In my case it will have to be screamer clapper girl. I enlisted my nine-year old daughter for this duty.

And she will be credited. :)

Mark Utley
April 7th, 2006, 08:42 PM
My movie came out to 4:57 without credits. Dylan said he doesn't mind if we go a few seconds over, so would a total time of about 5:10 be reasonable?