View Full Version : Downconverting to different formats

Rafael Lopes
February 17th, 2006, 09:23 AM

I bought a FX1 not long ago and I import all the footage to my pc in HD, then after I edit and CC it I export it to SD Pal (720x576)...but it looks like it was originaly shot on SD (not downconverted to SD from HD). Is this the wrong way to do it? Another FX1 owner I talked to told me to try opening a project in SD and simply resize the HD footage there.

This doubt is also relevant concerning any type of downconversion (to 720 25p for instance).

Any sugestions?

Miguel Lombana
February 17th, 2006, 11:00 AM

I bought a FX1 not long ago and I import all the footage to my pc in HD, then after I edit and CC it I export it to SD Pal (720x576)...but it looks like it was originaly shot on SD (not downconverted to SD from HD). Is this the wrong way to do it? Another FX1 owner I talked to told me to try opening a project in SD and simply resize the HD footage there.

This doubt is also relevant concerning any type of downconversion (to 720 25p for instance).

Any sugestions?

Most downconvert on the fly via the camera then edit the SD output from the camera. I think that the way you're doing it your NLE might be messing you up.

Rafael Lopes
February 17th, 2006, 11:10 AM
The way you are refering to there's no point shooting HD :( I want to keep a copy in HD (for narrative projects blow outs) and another one in SD for TV.

Tomas Chinchilla
February 17th, 2006, 07:14 PM

Shoot HD, Edit HD, and output/encode SD!

You'll get amazing results!

Don't try on the fly downconversion while capturing cause is Cr&^P, also don't try putting an HD feed on a SD timeline.

Shoot HD, Edit HD, and output/encode SD!

Steve Mullen
February 17th, 2006, 10:33 PM
This doubt is also relevant concerning any type of downconversion (to 720 25p for instance). Any sugestions?

1) I assume are are shooting 720p50 and not CF25. CF25 will look bad because of a loss of V. Rez.

2) Remember that SD will look like SD no matter how good the source.

3) Are you feeding PAL to your monitor via S-video? You should!

Robert M Wright
February 18th, 2006, 01:15 PM
I'm with Tomas on shot and edit in HD (then convert to SD for final output if that's the goal), especially if you'll be doing any filtering in post (color correction, noise redution or whatever).

Jack D. Hubbard
February 18th, 2006, 01:20 PM
Shoot HDV. Edit HDV. Downconvert the HDV master to SD. Now you have an HD master to achive for future use and an SD for the client. Clients are not thinking HD right now, but they will be very soon, and there's a good chance they'll come back to asking for an HD version of what is already been done.

Robert M Wright
February 18th, 2006, 01:34 PM
For better quality, Cineform is a good way to go for editing in HD, especially if you will be doing several intermediate renders.

Rafael Lopes
February 19th, 2006, 07:25 AM
thanks guys!