View Full Version : HC1E take so long to turn on and REC.

Arve Hansen
February 17th, 2006, 03:26 AM
Is this normal that it take 8 sek to start and before it come to rec.
Turn on take arond 2 sek and when hit rec button it take about 6 sek befor starting to record.

If i have it turned on in Stanby. Sometimes it take 5 sek before it records, sometime it start with the same.

I use Sony dv premium. Is it better and faster with a HDV tape?

Alex Thin
February 17th, 2006, 07:20 AM
Sometimes take some seconds in starting to record, only sometimes, to turn it on, mine always do instantaneously

Other thing, I think there is not HDV tapes, the tapes to record HDV are always miniDV.

Tom Hardwick
February 17th, 2006, 07:59 AM
The tape used won't make the slightest difference Arve. Use the cheapest tape that doesn't give you dropouts.

This start-up delay has been mentioned before. It's to do with the MPEG 2 compression, I'm sure, but I can't figure out why it varies so much. Maybe something to do with the space between I frames.
