View Full Version : Iris problem.

Alex Jeffery
February 16th, 2006, 06:09 PM
Hello everyone.

I've been shooting a few short films all week on my FX1, and everything has been going great. Today, however, we were shooting a scene and I noticed that whenever I adjusted the iris the brightness didn't change at all. This is really weird because I've been taking great care of the camera. Any suggestions?

Jim Michael
February 16th, 2006, 06:13 PM
Hello everyone.

I've been shooting a few short films all week on my FX1, and everything has been going great. Today, however, we were shooting a scene and I noticed that whenever I adjusted the iris the brightness didn't change at all. This is really weird because I've been taking great care of the camera. Any suggestions?

Could shutter speed or gain be on auto?

Boyd Ostroff
February 16th, 2006, 06:13 PM
The most basic reason this might happen would be that you accidentally pushed the "shutter" button. That would cause the shutter speed to automatically change to compensate for iris adjustment. Make sure that you see 60 in the viewfinder as you shoot, indicating the shutter speed is locked. Or try playing back the suspect tape with data code turned on. You can then watch whether the shutter speed and lens opening is changing.

Alex Jeffery
February 16th, 2006, 08:39 PM
Thanks guys. It works fine now. It was the shutter speed problem.