View Full Version : Anyone seen Repo Man?

Zac Stein
January 16th, 2003, 06:36 AM
Heya all,

I just saw Repo Man and i have to say that i absolutely loved it. What a wild ride, everything kept comming from left field, it was amazingly mezmorising. I advise everyone go give it a look, it is a really fresh movie, that really defies a lot of what has been done with movies since it came out in 1984.

Anyways, feel free to chime in if you have seen it.


Rhett Allen
January 16th, 2003, 09:06 AM
I remember seeing it, back in the 80's. It really was a pretty neat flick for the time. Are they just now getting that down there? WOW! You really are far away.

Mark Austin
January 16th, 2003, 12:23 PM
I own the VHS copy and have just about worn it out. Every time I get bored with the current state of HoleyWad films I pull it out. The band that did the music, Suicidal Tendencies, achieved a cult status becasue of the film, but in fact had broken up by the time the film was released. They got together again for a short whie and made a couple more albums but none with the slam that the film soundtrack had.

Repo Man is a top ten in my book and one of the best of the "cult classics".
my 2 cents

Mark Argerake
January 16th, 2003, 12:28 PM
I guess it is true what the say: All Mark's think alike.

I too would put Repo Man in my top 10 list.

Zac Stein
January 16th, 2003, 06:18 PM

No repo man didn't just get here, i was actually given the dvd by a friend, he got it and hated it (he liked weekend at bernies) so i was lucky enough to get my hands on it.
