View Full Version : solution to missing timecode in FCP files imported from Premiere?

Jeffry Alan
February 15th, 2006, 03:40 PM
I was able to import an EDL from Premiere Pro into FCP which included timecodes for all the clips, and I copied media from (pc) laptop to G5 external hard drive, but when I tried to reconnect media a box came up that told me the reel numbers and media start and end (TC) were not optimized. I have tried many ways to reconnect media without redigitizing, but can't get the timecode.
Any recommendations?


Zach Mull
February 16th, 2006, 12:37 PM
FCP wants you do edit only with QuickTime files that use FCP-approved codecs. I would bet that Premiere Pro uses AVI. FCP will not be your friend unless you edit in QT so your only good options are to recapture the media or, if you have a ton of spare cash, use a conversion plug-in like those from Automatic Duck.

Jeffry Alan
February 16th, 2006, 02:06 PM
That's what I was afraid of.
Already started capturing footage into FCP from the import EDL so at least I am not on the wrong path.

thanks - J*